We are LIVE from BCCW's "Respect the Shooters & Hookers"!!! Introducing the announce team for this evening...
MSD and Matt Striker
Cue event theme song and let's get right to the action!!!
1) "My Time Is Now"
The Broken City Slaughtahouse explodes into cheers. Hometown hero JOHN CENA makes his way to the ring, greened out with Celtics gear. Does a quick stand-up routine involving a Lakers jersey (with a Miami Heat punch line to draw a big pop).
Welcomes everyone to Broken City Championship Wrestling "RESPECT THE SHOOTERS & HOOKERS!!!" Feels he may have been a little disrespectful at the last Hype Show and would like extend his apology directly to MIL MASCARAS, RIKIDOZAN and their handlers. He wants a good, clean, fair, epic-level main event to determine everlasting wrestling glory. So whattaya say?
Interrupted by Kanye West's "Diamonds From Sierra Leone. Enter BOBBY "the BRAIN" HEENAN with "NATURE BOY" BUDDY ROGERS and WADE BARRETT:
The Diamond Dynasty!!!
"NATURE BOY" BUDDY ROGERS: You know the old saying. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder for somebody new".
Says Cena is old news, everybody wants to see and hear from the Diamond Dynasty - and who they've chosen to be initiated into their illustrious ranks. Wade Barrett and Cena share death glares, while the Brain cackles sarcastically in the background. Tension mounts as the 3 members of the Diamond Dynasty surround the Franchise. But all is saved when Cena retains possession of the mic. Says the Chain Gang runs deeper, y'all picked the wrong State to step in.
JOHN CENA: And I'm a savage in the booth - I'm on some movement shit, about to rally up the youth!!!
Crowd pop is deafening upon Air Bourne's arrival, Bobby Heenan has to cover his ears. Cena waves "bye bye!" to an irrate Nature Boy as referees and ring officials spring into position. Before you know it, the timekeeper is in place, Heenan and Barrett are ringside and Evan Bourne stands opposite the "Nature Boy" Buddy Rogers, still wearing his priceless feathered robe.
2) EVAN BOURNE versus
"NATURE BOY" BUDDY ROGERS (w/ the Diamond Dynasty)
Elaborate stalling process from the "Nature Boy", as it pertains to removing the robe and placing it safely with Heenan. Refuses to commit a few times just to frustrate Evan Bourne further. Finally, with great crowd approval, Evan Bourne peels the referee out from between them and takes it right to Buddy Rogers. Action picks up considerably, as the original Nature Boy bounces around the ring like a pin ball for Evan Bourne's futuristic offense. Spinning wheel kicks, Lionsaults and somersault planchas to the entire Diamond Dynasty abound. Eventually, as crowd anticipation mounts, Heenan distracts Bourne from a high-risk maneuver drawing the ire of the referee.
The referee sends HEENAN & BARRETT back to the dressing room!
Another minor stall scene, as the drama sinks in. Nature Boy animatedly argues with the ref in protest, while Evan Bourne catches his breath. He catches Buddy Rogers off guard with a missile dropkick and we're off into phase 2. Buddy Rogers counters a few moves and concentrates on grounding Bourne with a devastating array of leglocks and grapevines. The Nature Boy grinds Bourne out on the mat, clearly angling for a Figure 4 submission. But Bourne counters with a small package and the pace begins to pick up as Bourne gets his bearings. Corner dropkick! Standing moonsault! Diving double kneedrop to Roger's shoulders! Evan Bourne is dominating the match until Nature Boy has to beg off for mercy! He's got the ref all up in his grasp, pleading for a timeout.
When out of the crowd TED DIBIASE JR appears! He slides into the ring, unbeknownst to the ref, and clocks Evan Bourne with the Million Dollar Championship belt as soon as he turns around!!! Bourne is out! Ted Dibiase Jr retreats back into the obscurity of the wrestling audience, fixing his tie and smirking obnoxiously as Buddy Rogers swoops in for the kill, getting the Figure 4 submission victory.
3) The crowd is just settling down after that shocking run-in by "The Fortunate Son" TED DIBIASE JR, when "Twist" by Korn rips through the arena sound system. From one toxic shock to the next.
THE MESSIAH and LIZZY BORDEN have an extravagant entrance, complete with pyro, smoke machines and a long train of leather-bound sex slaves following demurely alongside them. Even in her wrestling gear, Lizzy Borden's sheer trashiness is overflowing. The Messiah throws his hands in the air for his universal set, minus one thumb.
Answering their call, a rugged wolves howl reverberates throughout the arena to a huge pop. Desmond Wolfe & Alexxis Navaeh make their entrance upon the ramp and the crowd is feverish for their arrival. There are dozens of signs in the crowd for them. When they get into the ring, Alexxis' ever present smile drops as she and Desmond face the Xtreme power couple. Lizzy just laughs and fixes her cleavage.
The story here is one of sick depravity. ALEXXIS gamely offers to begin the match (completely huggable in her determination), as Lizzy Borden stares her down from across the ring. But instead of finally engaging the girl she's been tormenting, Lizzy instead throws her head back with a laugh and tags in MESSIAH. Crowd tone goes low with that tag; dread anticipation.
So of course this animates Desmond Wolfe (aka Nigel McGuinness) on the ring apron and HE gets the tag in. But just as quick as that, Lizzy has begged back into the ring and stands defiantly in the center of the ring - chest to chest with Wolfe. She wants to get hit. Desmond looks to the crowd for some kind of affirmation, and eats a welting slap to the face. We're off.
Heat segment in the beginning, with Lizzy raining successive dirty blows down upon Desmond while he remains hesistant to strike back. Ultimately his scientific acumen allows him to subdue the Queen of Xtreme in dramatic fashion, before making the big crowd-pleasing, hotly anticipated tag to young Alexxis Nevaeh - her first time in the match. Crowd is amped as Lizzy backs off but Alexxis shows no sympathy. Especially after photoshopped images of her engaging in degrading sexual acts emerged on the internet during the lead-up to this match (most likely from Borden's camp).
Guillotine drop!
One-handed bulldog!
Front dropkick to THE MESSIAH (!!!) who makes his way into the ring - but is quickly disposed of by the combined might of Alexxis and Desmond. Crowd rejoices as the Xtreme Duo roll to the outside and regroup!
We finally settle in with the real match, as The Messiah dramatically makes his entrance to face Desmond Wolfe. The English shoot fighter clearly has the advantage in take-downs, ground control and match tempo - so Messiah relies on his dirty boxing and tries to turn the match into a slugfest. He quickly succeeds. Speed picks up considerably as they build to an aggressive crescendo - replete with a crushing array of suplexes and high-impact offense.
Shit breaks completely down when Lizzy's outside interference turns the tide of the match, resulting in a quick mid-ring cat fight and Messiah using the guardrails to his advantage outside the ring. The ref struggles with the two women while on the outside - to a growing crowd reaction - The Messiah brings steel chairs into play. Various creative spots ensue, each one garnering stiff "OOOOs" and "AHHHHs" from the audience. Culminates with a somersault plancha from top rope to a nest of steel chairs on the arena floor. Desmond Wolfe escapes the attempt, resulting in a major crash-n-burn of The Messiah. Match resumes mid-ring with Lizzy & Alexxis finally getting it on.
Ultimately Lizzy is no match for the now fiery Alexxis Nevaeh, and in the end a botched miscommunication within Team Xtreme results in a spine-folding lariat finale. Desmond Wolfe rotates The Messiah 360 in route to the crowd pleasing 3-count victory! Desmond and Alexxis celebrate in the ring!
Left in the ring to wallow in their own mire, Lizzy and The Messiah come to a violent disagreement. They begin red-faced shouting back-n-forth, pushing & shoving. Refs try to get involved but it's too late -Messiah clocks Lizzy, and the two sickos start fighting! Crowd is going banannas, as more and more security enter the ring to prevent a potential lawsuit.
SUDDENLY - a man appears on the entrance ramp. He is calling something forth from beyond the black curtain. Is he bringing more help?
4) It's THE GRAND WIZARD! Complete with obnoxious outfit, outrageous turban and sci-fi sunglasses. From backstage he calls forth his charge - the Madman from the Sudan,
the Shiek ABDULLAH the BUTCHER!!!
Absolute MADNESS as the Shiek ABDULLAH the BUTCHER cuts a violent path through the line of security guards to break his way into the ring, where he begins a shocking and unprovoked assault upon The Messiah AND Lizzy Borden!
Throat thrusts!
Forks, and a steel spike!
The Messiah is gruesomely savaged! Climaxes with a brutal Sudanese Meat Cleaver in the center of the ring to Lizzy Borden! Crowd level breaks new decibels.
The Grand Wizard finally enters the ring (microphone in hand), soaking in the crowd shock and outrage and chuckling to himself. Abdullah the Butcher stands transfixed in the center of the ring, blood stained and panting. TGF takes center stage.
Formally introduces himself to the BCCW audience. He is the single greatest mind and talker in pro wrestling history. He has an intellect - an almost "mad genius" quality - that allowed him to become pro wrestling's diabolical leader of champions- the most successful manager of his day - and an inspiration for all future managers in wrestling, from James Cornette to Paul Heyman. He's here in BCCW today with his guy The Butcher for one reason: usurpation. They're taking over.
But of course, in the spectrum of pro wrestling space and time, The Grand Wizard has not come alone. He speaks of a "Trinity of Terror" that is coming to BCCW to stake their claim of wrestling supremacy. The godfathers of the industry itself; the lifesblood through which none else can exist. Beware and be forewarned - they're here to run the game. Top to bottom, nobody throws a wristlock without TGF getting paid.
THE GRAND WIZARD: I should not only be Manager of the Year, but I should also be the Manager of the Generation!
Cut to commercial.
JOHN CENA defends his WWE title TONIGHT in an International 3-Way Dance.
5) Back in the arena, a familiar 50's guitar riff interrupts the show. Could it be? Yes it is!

HONKY TONK MAN (gyrating and patting his hair) Thank you for your support. I wish I was doing the broadcast. MSD has it all to himself and his cronies, i.e. Lawler, Cornette, Doc Hendrix, and so on. I think I can bring more than just one-liners that Lawler has been repeating for the last three years. If you go back to some of the shows I did commentary on you will see that I brought energy and excitement to a dull broadcast team. You will see that Ross and Lawler stepped it up a notch when I hit the airwaves. I really could care less about a manager's role; it is not my cup of tea.
Honky knows what all the BCCW fans want - they want to hear the Honky Tonk Man sing! (big boos) Speaking into the hands-free mic allows Honky to tune his guitar up in anticipation of his hit single "Cool, Cocky & Bad". The crowd jeers raise to deafening levels.
Honky mad! Y'all don't deserve to hear the Honky Tonk Man sing! The Honky Tonk Man was the greatest Intercontinental champion of ALL TIME! Everybody in BCCW wanna claim a championship pedigree, the Honky Tonk Man held that belt longer than anybody! Matter of fact, Honky Tonk Man here tonight. Anybody that wanna shake-rattle-n-roll, line 'em up - cuz Honky'll knock 'em down. Open challenge to anyone in the back!
Cue “Sell Out” by Reel Big Fish.
That same nondescript jobber parts the black curtains onto the BCCW entrance ramp. He takes an awkward moment to bask in the magnitude of the event. The same jobber that got pinned by Evan Bourne in Brockton and trounced by the Diamond Dynasty in Atlanta! Is this some kind of joke? Perpetuated by the Honky Tonk Man, perhaps? Who IS this kid?
RYAN DANGERFIELD: I'm known by many names; The White Flash is the most common one, but I've also been announced as the 'working-class weekend warrior', the 'ivory tower', the 'hero of the Flash Mob' and 'everyone's favorite EPW wrestler named Ryan Dangerfield'. Oh, given name? Ryan Dangerfield. Yeah.
Honky sizes him up and quickly changes his tune. He's gonna play the White Flash a little Rhythm-n-Blues. With an obnoxiously exaggerated kindness, and the tone you would speak with to a 3 year old or a special needs patient, Honky Tonk Man patronizes the boy further.
HONKY TONK MAN: It takes all kinds to make a good wrestling show, but the younger guys by mixing in with the vets can learn how to carry the torch.
RYAN DANGERFIELD: I trained for 2 years before debuting, and I've been wrestling for a year since. Prior to that I was a kickboxer and freestyle MMA fighter for 5 years.
HONKY TONK MAN: Complete training is very difficult, most of the guys training were never complete in all the skills, so it is hard to define ideal, what moves works for some guys will not work for others. It is something that can be acquired over time.
RYAN DANGERFIELD: I Needed a new thrill and have a thirst for competition, so it was the natural choice. Key motives are to entertain the fans, catch some air and bring rock'n'roll to the kids! (thumbs up to the crowd, followed by a cheap pop. Honky's faux-jovial expression darkens).
HONKY TONK MAN: This is something that comes easy for me.
Honky graciously "accepts" the match. But as soon as Ryan Dangerfield is being fleeced by the referee, Honky is creeping on him from behind with the guitar cocked and raised. Crowd tries to warn the poor boy to no avail... but just before he can strike...
"NATURAL BORN KILLAZ" by Dr Dre & Ice Cube!
Enter NEW JACK!!!
Armed with a trash barrel full of plunder, NEW JACK immediately goes on the offense - much to Honky's chagrin (but the crowd's utter delight). He's gonna show the Honky Tonk Man what it feels like to sing the blues!
Exploding guitar shot to Honky's head!
Suddenly in a flash, Ryan Dangerfield soars into the scene with a top-rope Warriorz Way to the downed Honky Tonk Man!
3! (???)
Was that even an official match? But before the kid can throw his hands up in celebration, he is seized by the violently explosive New Jack. Uh oh. Things are about to get really ugly for the young Aussie.
Kendo stick!
Hockey stick!
Staple gun!
187!!! (Top rope flying elbow smash with a steel chair to his unconscious, bloody opponent)
Dangerfield is certifiably murdered; another justified homicide. New Jack soaks in the cheers from the blood-crazed Slaughtahouse. Security surrounds the triumphant New Jack, as he stands foot upon chest of his fallen adversary. Suddenly, one of the "security guards" clobbers New Jack from behind a crutch! What the hell!?!?
That's no security guard! It's...
6) NEW JACK versus SICK VIC GRIMES (impromptu BCCW Death Match - no fall to a finish)
Vic Grimes seizes the opportunity, and gets hardcore with stiff weapon and chair shots. He even uses a wireless keyboard and an Apple MacBook Pro that New Jack had brought in his trash barrel. But Vic Grimes has his own tool set, and he doesn't hesitate to use it on New Jack in a terrifying and gruesome assault.
Cheese grater!
Pizza cutter!
Blood flows freely as Vic Grimes tries to end New Jack's life. When the Original Gangsta of pro wrestling realizes his attacker's identity, adrenaline kicks in and the fight for survival begins. The fight goes into the stands, with fans offering up such things as frying pans and beer bottles to be used as weapons. Major spots in the concession stand area, in a tip of the cap to Tupelo. After a few more outrageous weapon shots and table spots, Vic Grimes goes for the dramatic kill - he douses a large concession table with gasoline and sets it ablaze!!! But New Jack finds a broken piece of plywood with nails and uses it with homicidal intent. After a few wicked, flesh-tearing shots, Vic Grimes tries to flee by climbing into the crows nest of the arena. New Jack quickly gives chase. Meanwhile, the table continues to burn, sending dangerous black plumes of smoke high into the arena skylights.
The two blood-soaked hardcore maniacs battle high above the arena, to the roar of the crowd. To the surprise of no one (but the anticipation of everybody), Vicious Vic Grimes take the 30-foot fall off the scaffold through the burning table to the concrete floor! Holy s***! Holy s***! New Jack stands alone, pounding his chest with animalistic fervor.
Winner: NEW JACK
We take a break from that hair-raising drama by going backstage, where RUCKUS & SABIAN (the BLK Mobb) are prepping for their match:
SABIAN: I'm from Philadelphia. I've been wrestling since February 2000, mainly on the East Coast, but I've wrestled down South, in the Midwest, overseas... I would say that I'm one of the most underrated wresters currently on the Indy scene.
RUCKUS: I started off in high school wrestling, collegiate style. Then from there I just fucked around in the backyard with some friends. Then I went to wrestling school, got trained, and started April 18th, 1999. Since then I started with CZW in the summer of 2000. Then it went on from there.
SABIAN: I can adapt to any wrestling style. I know how to keep myself fresh and not become stale like so many other wrestlers out there. A lot of them being the guys that some of these fans seem to praise so much. I know how to entertain and give the people their money's worth.
RUCKUS: If you look at it right now, look at any typical match. That's all spots. Look at the stuff on Monday nights and it's just punching and kicking. No one wants to see that. My matches, I'd compare them to an old kung fu movie. You see a lot of different stuff in my matches. If a person thinks I'm too spotty then they don't have to watch me, you know? Judo, Tae Kwon Do, and kickboxing. I didn't do any gymnastics. I'm self-taught in that.
SABIAN: We're here in BCCW because there's way too many horrible Indies out there. A lot of the fans are spoiled and also think that they know it all and think that they can do what the wrestlers do better than the wrestlers do it. People think that matches are all about Flips or so called "Strong Style" with all these unnecessary head drops, reckless strikes, stupid moves and what not. That's not what it's all about! The sad thing is, I don't see any of that changing anytime soon though.
RUCKUS: I'm not really feeling that scene. I mean I don't know MSD so I can't say anything. Messiah's from XPW. So obviously, I have heard some things. But I haven't seen some of their stuff as of late. They're trying to do what they're trying to do, you know?
SABIAN: The Rock-N-Roll Express? I don't know much about them, I'm sure they're both good wrestlers. I do know that they both better be ready for Killadelphia's finest and better be ready to step there game up because they are going to be in there with a beast. BCCW isn't going to be the same after Blk Jeez comes through and tears it down.
RUCKUS: Get ready for something unbelievable. That's all I can say. Get ready for something you won't see anywhere else on that card. Something crazy.
This is cruiserweight/X-Division/junior heavyweight HEAVEN. Two dynamic, athletic teams letting it all hang out - on the mat and in the air. Lightning fast tags and double-team maneuvers are the staple of this match, as even the ref has a hard time keeping up with the frenzied activity. Crowd seems to be split down the middle, with each successive move getting a louder crowd reaction than the one before.
Numerous unique and creative double-team efforts abound. The story of the match is one of mutual respect, and overwhelming one-upsmanship. When one team pops the crowd with an incredible synchronized sequence - the other responds in kind. Double dropkicks? Answered with a set of stereo diving planchas. Double back elbow, drop-toe hold/legdrop combination? Answered by a rolling germans/flying leg lariat amalgamation. The hits keep on coming.
Match psychology picks up after a missed high-risk maneuver by Ricky Morton (putting him in the face-in-peril role), and the BLK Mobb focuses on his injured right knee. Cue space-age submission seminar. Morton excels in this role, and BLK Mobb does a great job of garnering fan sympathy for him by arrogantly playing up to the crowd and disrespecting the wrestling legends with face slaps and taunts. A little "Razzle Dazzle" from RUCKUS (handspring back elbow), a top rope swinging DDT from SABIAN, and the BLK MOBB have this match well in hand. Another near-pinfall. The crowd is really getting behind the Mobb.
Extended heat sequence as Morton is THIIIIIIS close to tagging in his partner and saving the match, before being double-teamed and dragged back into the center of the ring. Love the spot where SABIAN keeps Morton pinned under the bottom rope, while RUCKUS melodramatically lights up a blizz stick and blows a fat cloud of marijuana smoke in Ricky's face! But good ol boy Robert Gibson is on the scene to slap the taste out of RUCKUS mouth before being chased back to his side of the ring by the ref (more double-team chicanery ensues as a result). Ricky Morton finally escapes isolation after SABIAN accidentally eats a crescent kick from his partner, and RUCKUS misses a Spaceman Plancha to the arena floor (!!!) Drama and crowd anticipation builds as Morton finally gets the hot tag! Robert Gibson is a house on fire! Clears the ring of the BLK Mobb before bringing RUCKUS back in with a slingshot suplex. Rock-n-Roll Express is right back in the match, dominating with their own brand of high-impact double team offense.
End comes almost unexpectedly, when Mortons injured knee finally buckles on a superplex/flying splash combination. Gibson is cartwheel kicked off the top rope to the arena floor, while Morton is finished with a "Black Jesus Stomp" (top rope double footstomp - this time with a steel chair) from SABIAN followed closely by RUCKUS' "Gangsta Splash" (450 degree)! Quick pig pile 3-count leads to the victory!
Unbelievably, after the match the BLK MOBB help the Rock-N-Roll Express to their feet and offer their hands in a display of mutual appreciation. Crowd buzzing at the display of sportsmanship. So of course the BLK MOBB ruins it with a cheap, gangland style beat down to end the segment and draw massive heat. They pose and taunt the audience and their fallen foes by throwing up gang signs and acting like arrogant asses, but instead of the expected boos - they're serenaded with a great chorus of cheers. Such is the way of Broken City, I suppose.
Cut to commercial
MIL MASCARAS: International Man of Mystery
8) JACK SWAGGER versus LOU THESZ (w/ Ed "Strangler" Lewis)

Extravagant, big-match entrances for both men. "Get On Your Knees" for JACK SWAGGER and his procession (including his father, coaches and trainers). "I'm Shipping Up To Boston" by Dropkick Murphys for LOU THESZ's walk-out theme (along with Ed "Strangler" Lewis). Ring introductions provided after both men have entered, and their entourages are dispersed. Referee brings both men together in the center of the ring for the final instructions before the match. Crowd buzz is palpable.
Feeling out process for the two world-class grapplers; each one hesitant to open themselves up to a counter-strike or reversal. In the early stages, it's clear that Swagger has the height and strength advantage. He muscles Thesz around a bit, but Lou is just stubborn, mean and scrappy. They engage in a chain of reversals and scrambles that has the BCCW audience roaring their approval. Early story relies strictly on grappling, mixed with a little European striking. But the emphasis remains on American catch-as-catch can. Their science and technique is impeccable; each one executing an array of throws and slams based on leverage and positioning. At one point the action becomes so feverish, the combatants spill outside the ring where we have our first taste of clashing entourages. The referees are able to separate the two camps, but the sentiment remains clear. Utter disdain.
Action resumes in the ring with an array of submission attempts and counters. Escalates into a suplex seminar as Jack Swagger morphs into beast-form and takes it to Thesz. He tries to wear him down further by leaning on him, using his size and length. But he still can't put Thesz away, or squeeze out the submission. They grapple to a forceful stalemate, as "The Strangler" coaches from ringside and the crowd follows along passionately with the action. After Swagger seizes the slight advantage again, he winds up in a sticky roll reversal situation for a surprise 3-count! Lou Thesz wins the First Fall via pin! Jack Swagger is incredulous! Outraged!
Second fall dissolves into a brawl, a straight slobberknocker. Intensity and animosity has reached the boiling point and is now exploding in full High-Definition. The ol' Collegiate rule book is out the window as these guys go at it with jabs, knees and kidney shots. Match intensity peaks after an extended ankle-lock tease segment, followed by the real thing (complete with leg vine) that ultimately coaxes a dramatic white towel toss from "The Stranger" when it's clear Thesz won't tap (and is suffering permanent, unimaginable pain in the process). Jack Swagger wins the 2nd Fall by Ankle Lock Submission! The Swagger Cheshire cat grin is on full display now.
3rd Fall begins with Lou Thesz in dire straits. But is Jack Swagger starting to run out of gas? A few of his go-behinds and waist locks had a lot of breathing room, allowing Lou Thesz to escape or counter them. But the master technician must clearly compensate for a severely debilitated ankle. Thesz becomes the sympathetic underdog in the match - Swagger the dominating bully. But Thesz has been bred for 90 minute Broadways (time limit draws), and it's really starting to show in the waning moments of the 3rd and Final Fall. He just can't be outwinded. More high-impact offensive maneuvers and reversals, all focusing on the dramatic ankle-lock finish. Thesz briefly regains control before Swagger muscles him into the Gutwrench Powerbomb! The wind has finally been driven from Lou's lungs! Crowd driven into a frenzy by the proceedings! Jack Swagger reaches in for the kill - but gets wrapped into an STF!!! He's caught dead in the center of the ring!
Crowd tension mounts as Swagger strains to reach the ropes, and Thesz squeezes for the submission. Suddenly Swagger's father bounds up onto the ring apron to protest the hold! Ref immediately admonishes him, but before Swagger's dad can retreat - he's swiped off the ring apron by the irate Strangler Lewis!!! All hell breaks loose ringside as Strangler Lewis locks in a vicious rear-naked choke to Jack Swaggers father, and the rest of the coaches and trainers try in vain to pry him off! Crowd is on their feet roaring as chaos unfolds ringside! Swagger and Thesz continue the scramble inside the ring. Swagger muscles out of the STF but eats an original powerbomb from Thesz! Ankle lock submission attempt by LOU THESZ!!! Crowd screams themselves hoarse as Swagger threatens to tap to his own finishing move! Swagger with the violent kick-off reversal, and HE catches Thesz in the STF!!! But Lou won't tap either!
Outside the ring, swarms of security attempt to pull the Strangler off Swagger's dad, but he doesn't relinquish the hold until Swaggers dad is blue-in-the-face unconscious. The ice cold stare of the Strangler shoots rivets through the wall of security guards around him. They're trying to move the entire procession backstage and way from ringside. Meanwhile, the party continues mid-ring with Thesz and Swagger trading exciting near-pinfalls. Match intensity has magnified with the clearing of the ringside area - leaving a stunning portrait of Thesz & Swagger alone in the ring, dueling to the death. Tension mounts as Swagger finally appears to have the Ankle-lock in place, when he gets wrapped into a beautiful counter Kimura armlock! Thesz briefly jockeys for position - locks his hips in place - and stretches Swaggers arm beyond all mortal means! Swagger struggles to break the hold, but with shoulder tendons ripping and joints popping he has no choice but to tap out!!! LOU THESZ wins the 3rd and FINAL fall by Kimura armlock submission!!! Crowd blows the roof off the Broken City Slaughtahouse!!!
Winner: LOU THESZ (by Kimura submission)
Postmatch, an exhausted Lou Thesz celebrates alone in the ring. In the background, a dejected Jack Swagger nurses his arm. Majestic crowd shots of the audience on their feet, rejoicing in victory. Referee raises Lou's arm as the announcer makes the official victory proclamation. Suddenly, Jack Swagger rises up from behind Lou Thesz (who has his hands on his knees, panting)
Crowd intensity heightens as Swagger creeps up behind Thesz, unbeknownst to the victor. Swagger spins Thesz around to meet him face to face. The two foes have a fierce stare down, before Swagger grudgingly offers up the handshake of mutual respect! Thesz looks to the audience for approval, before grasping the young man's hand. The two wrestlers embrace as the crowd goes absolutely insane! "BCCW! BCCW! BCCW!!!¡" They each take turns holding up the others hand in a victory salute, before embracing once more. Swagger leaves the ring to let Lou Thesz soak in his improbable come-from-behind win.
Lou Thesz is blindsided from behind! The massive ABDULLAH the BUTCHER is back! He rips off the black mask/turban mask to reveal his transfixed face, still caked with dry blood from his earlier assault. THE GRAND WIZARD (aka "TGF" aka "Ernie Roth") is right beside him in the ring, directing traffic. Vicious, unprovoked assault upon the exhausted Lou Thesz, who can't muscle up a defense and winds up on the receiving end of a Sudanese Meat Cleaver that nearly decapitates him! What the heck is going on here???
THE GRAND WIZARD: I think it's the BOOZE in the fans that make them BOO us!
This assault isn't finished - no, no, no - the takeover has just begun! Anyone who refuses to surrender their right to the Gold will meet the same bloody destiny. There's only room for one stable of champions here in BCCW; anyone who attempts otherwise will be banished to the ends of the Earth! "You're either Nexus or against us!!!" states the maniacal TGW! He directs his charge ABDULLAH the BUTCHER to unleash one final crushing Sudanese Meat Cleaver upon the prone Lou Thesz. The exclamation point to his mission statement.
Cut to commercial, as paramedics rush to Thesz's aid and the ring is cleared.
Rikidozan: A Hero Extraordinary
9) Cue "Straight Edge" my Minor Threat.
Enter LUKE GALLOWS and the NECRO BUTCHER - the Straight Edge Society! They are militant with camouflage gear, taped wrists (emblazoned with big black "X's" )and the flag of their respective SES chapter (all gang-related). They claim the ring as their own, and plant their SES flag. Luke Gallows clutches the house mic. He holds up a WWE trading card from his days as "Festus".
LUKE GALLOWS: This picture was taken when I was at my heaviest and worst-looking. I carry it as a reminder of how far I've come since I joined the Straight Edge Society. Look at my face; it's brutal! (Necro Butcher shakes his head) Stepping out of the gate, "Festus" was very limited. Now that I get mic-time, people can see that I'm actually intelligent and not limited with my in-ring performance. I think BCCW is finally taking notice that I'm a more talented Superstar than I've been given credit for. Now on my off days, I'm at the gym training with my sweat suit on. I have my wind all the time now, and I move a lot better than I did before.
NECRO BUTCHER: Without a doubt I am having the most fun of my career. We have a great young roster full of talent and having signed the television deal will greatly help the chances of many of them to go on to good careers in wrestling.
The SES is here tonight to open up a recruitment drive. They want members of the BCCW audience - citizens of the disgusting, foul, toxic "City of Champions" - to join their just cause. Open their hearts and minds to the SES saviors before them, and they too can be SAVED like Gallows and the Butcher have been! A resounding chorus of boos meets the Straight Edge Society's request. Trash starts to rain down in the ring - empty beer cans and cigarette butts. Finally, one wise guy decides to throw a brightly colored White Grape Game Cigar (commonly used to gut and re-roll as a marijuana blunt) into the ring and suddenly the whole audience follows suit. An amazing scene follows as a cascade of blunts pour down into the ring (bright green, blue and red wrappers) like a rainbow of decadence upon the Straight Edge Society. GALLOWS and BUTCHER are not amused, but the exhilarating visual will be reused over and over again in BCCW opening credits in the future. GALLOWS rubs BUTCHER's shoulders in a creepy manner to try and soothe him.
LUKE GALLOWS: When we started to initiate people and shave heads, I needed to do something in the ring, so I started rubbing shoulders. When I went backstage everyone mentioned how creepy it was, and that I shouldn't do that. But you know what? I don't want to be like Bam Neely - some anonymous henchman. If I have to be the creepy guy who rubs shoulders, then I'll do it. A lot of the other Superstars were quite disturbed by it too, which I get a big kick out of.
The SES once again targets a member of the audience - this time singling out a small boy, no older than 10. They lift him over the guardrail and into the ring, to the objection of the young boy's caretakers. But the Straight Edge Society doesn't give a phuckk. They bring him in the ring and ominously surround him. LUKE GALLOWS starts rubbing the boy's shoulders.
NECRO BUTCHER: My first gimmick was that of a soldier, which I hated, but at that time, young wrestlers did not choose their gimmicks, they were given to them. I wasn't wrestling that much and a promoter in the Fort Worth, Texas area ran a promotion called Insane Hardcore Wrestling, called with the idea for the Necro Butcher gimmick and I jumped on it. The rest, as you say, is history.
LUKE GALLOWS pulls out the cordless razor, clearly intent on shearing the young boys head. The boy is clearly spooked, and makes an effort to escape the ring but is held sternly in place by the NECRO BUTCHER. He continues his soliloquy.
NECRO BUTCHER: I would probably say the horrific arm injuries which both resulted in tremendous loss of tissue and strength in my left arm. The first being from the superplex through two ladders stacked with light tubes and the second being the side suplex off the Ryder Truck through flaming glass and tables at a Tournament of Death.
The message is clear - join the SES or suffer the extreme consequences. The young boy tearfully declines and tries to shake their grasp, but cannot. Gallows suddenly forcefully clenches the boy around the throat!!! Audience roars their disapproval! Necro Butcher shakes his head in disgust towards the boy and unleashes the bag of thumbtacks!!! Justice will be served!!!
SUDDENLY - they're interrupted by "Bad Street USA"!!!
The distraction startles the SES, allowing the boy to escape the ring and disappear. Crowd going CRAZY for the Freebirds! The three rocking rebels get in the ring, dripping with attitude and Southern swagger. BUDDY ROBERTS is sipping from a whiskey bottle. Big TERRY GORDY has the vest, boots and cowboy hat, MICHAEL "PS" HAYES wears a Confederate cape. They take time to soak in the cheers while the outnumbered SES looks on angrily. Finally, Michael grabs the mic - and after a crowd pleasing moon walk - speaks directly to Gallows.
MICHAEL "PS" HAYES: I want to tell you a story about a place you don't wanna be. This ain't no home sweet home (gestures to the Broken City audience) - it's a home sweet misery!!!
BUDDY ROBERTS spews the whiskey in Gallows face, blinding him! Terry Gordy launches over the back of Hayes to clobber Necro Butcher and the crowd goes CRAZY at the sudden burst of activity! A wild, untamed Southern brawl has suddenly broken out in a BCCW ring!!! With Michael Hayes playing to the crowd, Roberts and Gordy double team Gallows and Butcher before sending Gallows flying outside the ring with a double clothesline. He lands in a crumpled heap on the ramp way, while the Freebirds continue their domination of Necro Butcher. He tries to escape but is dragged back into the ring by his ankles -where he reveals a barbed-wire 2x4 hidden under the ring! The weapon is quickly taken from him and used by the Freebirds. The Butcher's SES shirt is shredded upon his back!
Under Michael Hayes' direction, Gordy & Roberts prep Necro Butcher for the big climatic bump onto the thumb tacks, when LUKE GALLOWS is spotted in the aisle frantically signaling for somebody to emerge from the back...
STRAIGHT EDGE SOCIETY (Luke Gallows, Necro Butcher & Pogo the Clown)
Tornado 6-Man Tag Match
Absolute chaos, as POGO the CLOWN suddenly evens the sides with the aid of his barbed-wire wrapped shovel. He takes out Hayes and Gordy from behind, before splitting Robert's head wide open with a stiff shovel shot. The war is on! Each team gets all their most popular spots in, and before long all 6 men are bleeding, broken wrecks. After a series of stiff slams, suplexes and gorilla presses - SES members Necro Butcher and Pogo the Clown break out the hardware: tables, barbed wire, bags of broken glass and thumbtacks. Crowd gasps in anticipation. All props are used in a most malicious fashion, with Buddy Roberts and Necro Butcher taking the brunt of the big bumps. Final spot finds Michael Hayes DDT'ing Pogo the Clown through a table wrapped with barbed wire, while Terry Gordy press slams Necro Butcher over the top rope through a convoluted tower of chairs, barbed wire, glass panes and fluorescent light tubes! The explosion of debris as Necro Butcher's body disappears beneath the wreckage is tremendous! Left alone inside the ring, Luke Gallows is easy prey for a DUI by Roberts and Gordy (powerbomb/neckbreaker combination) for the 1-2-3!!! Freebirds win the match! Crowd explodes!!!
A bloody and ravaged Pogo the Clown tries to get back into the ring, but is held back by a barely-standing Luke Gallows. They gather Necro Butcher from the hardcore rubble and retreat up the aisle to the dressing room, while the crowd continues to shower them with trash and beer cups. Inside the ring the FABULOUS FREEBIRDS party it up by popping bottles, juking and jiving and inviting members of the audience into the ring with them! Before long the ring is swarmed by fans! Rest assured, this party will continue LONG into the night.
Cut to commercial as BCCW officials struggle to clear the ring and regain control of the show.
10) Backstage interview with JOHN CENA - last pit stop before the International 3-Way Dance main event.
JOHN CENA: (stares hard at the Championship belt in his hands) I think this is something that you have to take seriously, and I think that's something in today's day and age that isn't taken quite seriously enough to be frank, especially with (the WWE) really promoting the fact that we're TV PG and we're kind of welcoming our youth audience. It goes without saying that you have to be able to, if you're in a position where you're supposed to be a positive influence on these young people that you are a positive influence on these young people. And it does, once again it takes extra time but it's one thing that can really, really pay off in the long run. I think we all have experiences when we were young where we either had an interaction with someone we admired or, you know, had a vision of how they were, and found out that they weren't necessarily that - and that it tends to be a big letdown sometimes. So if I'm supposed to be the person that a lot of these young people believe in I just, I try to do the best I can to be that guy. And then my personality on television is not a far stretch from who I am in real life, so it's not. It's not that hard it just takes a lot more time.
Hell in the Cell
The Puerto Rican flags are unfurled in the audience for the start of this match. When Pedro's reggaeton theme song first plays through the arena sound system, the crowd's reaction is chilling in its magnitude. It's clear that here today in Brockton - "Little Cape Verde" - PEDRO MORALES is a certified mega star. His pop could be the biggest one of the night so far. The BCCW audience is a sea of Puerto Rican colors. When Motorhead screams through the arena, heralding the arrival of "The Game" TRIPLE H - crowd sentiment turns venomous. As he emerges from behind the curtain for his Technicolor entrance - replete with WWWF title belt - Triple H soaks in the negative crowd energy and turns it into diesel fuel for his engine of hatred. When both men enter the ring and stare each other down, the intensity is palpable. The cage door locks into place like a prison cell as the ring announcer gives the semi-main event its due hype.
Action is fast and furious right out of the gate. The guts, passion and fiery intensity of Pedro are tough to weather for Triple H - but ultimately his size advantage allows him to take control of the match. Extended heel beat down sequence, as Triple H goes to town with flying knees and spine busters. After a few tosses into the cage, Pedro Morales is busted open. Triple H takes great joy in grinding Pedro's bloody face into the mesh as the crowd screams at the top of their lungs, trying to urge Pedro on. After a series of punches in the middle of the ring, Pedro starts to Hulk up to GREAT crowd support. Soon it's Triple H who is being tossed like a javelin into the unforgiving steel cell around the ring. Into the ringside steps! Into the ring apron! Back into the cage! Now Triple H is a bloody mess!
Good, intense brawl by two of the most engaging personalities on their respective ends of the face/heel spectrum. Crowd can't cheer for Pedro loud enough, or boo Triple H more voraciously. It takes a little bit of cheating (and liberal use of a steel chair) by Triple H to set up his crushing Pedigree finisher. He successfully drives Pedro's head into the mat in the center of the ring, and earns the pinfall victory! You can just HEAR the energy of the crowd get sucked away in a vacuum. Stunning defeat. But as a bloody Triple H raises his arms in victory, the boos quickly return.
Winner: TRIPLE H
Video recap/Main Event Hype. Cena/ Mascaras press conference... Rikidozan's stateside arrival... the wild 3-way brawl at the Somerville MA Hype Show... the WWE World Championship...
International 3-Way Dance
The beautiful strings of an exotic Oriental song break through the Broken City surround sound system. In an elaborate entrance - complete with costumed dancers and elephants, amongst other pageantry - the father of puroresu and Hero of the Far East, RIKIDOZAN makes his extravagant entrance. With his styled hair, slick ring jacket and Yakuza entourage he looks like a Japanese James Dean. Fireworks explode into the sky. The Land of the Rising Sun is well represented in the ring, and RIKIDOZAN does the ceremonial bow before settling in with his entourage and corner men beneath a giant Japanese flag, held in place by a phalanx of white-faced geisha girls in expensive kimonos.
"Sky High" by Jigsaw can mean only one thing - enter the superhero MIL MASCARAS!!! Red, white and green lasers and light show pay tribute to the colors of Mexico, and when he finally appears from behind the black curtain the ovation is deafening. He wears a sparkling cape, and his mask pops especially bright in HD. With his superhero soundtrack swelling in the background, MASCARAS makes his way to the ring amidst a rain of flashy pyrotechnics. Dozens of Mexican flags and Mascaras masks can be spotted in the audience. He flips into the ring and poses to show off his glistening brick house frame. He rips his mask off his face in one fell swoop and throws it into the crowd to huge cheers. He wears a secondary - equally exotic - mask beneath it. He settles into his corner where a Mexican flag has been draped over the top rope.
Finally, the opening strains of "My Time Is Now" initiates an absolute Pavlovian reaction from the Broken City audience - driving them into frenzied hysterics. Enter JOHN CENA! His ovation can be heard all the way in West Newbury (which is practically in New Hampshire). Orange and blue for the champ this time, Chain-Gang medallion, baseball hat and brand new white Nikes. Unlike the others, John Cena is alone. Aside from the gold belt he boldly wears, Cena is solo dolo. He enters the ring, brazenly stares at each of his opponents, before hoisting the belt high into the air to further feed the intensity of the BCCW audience. The Champ is here!!! Long dramatic pause as the ref removes the belt and shows it to each contender. Each man then gets their own separate ring announcement, climaxing with Cena's name to draw a massive pop.
Entourages and accruements are cleared from the ring, each man receives their final instructions, and FINALLY... the wait is over! The visual of these 3 legends staring each other down center ring will live forever.
Let's throw this one out to the harshest critics in the world - the IWC. Picking up for them, will be the #1 Internet Scribe.
Upfront: outstanding match. Match of the Night, easily. Probably my favorite match of the year so far. And a strong candidate to maintain that spot come year's end, too. Starting out, Rikidozan and Mascaras took turns going after Cena, then pulling the other off so he could get shots in. Finally, Mascaras tossed Rikidozan from the ring, allowing him an extended sequence with Cena. Then Mascaras powdered out for a minute or two to allow Rikidozan some time. They kind of went back and forth like that for the opening third of the match, then kicked it into another gear, with more three-way type spots. About 9-10 minutes in, they hit the first near falls, which necessitated guys making saves and in general ramping up the feeling of uncertainty and tenuous alliances and all that good drama-y shit.
There was one cool spot where Cena had Rikidozan in the STFU, and Rikidozan was about to tap out... but one of Rikidozan's handlers reached in from outside the ring at the last second and physically blocked Riki's hand from tapping the mat. Kinda cheesy, maybe, but somehow, it just seemed really cool in that spot. About 12 minutes in, Mascaras slingshot Cena into the ringpost, and Cena came up sporting a wicked Crimson Mask. A few minutes later, Rikidozan joined the fray at ringside, setting up an awesome table spot. Rikidozan wanted to piledrive Cena on the Spanish Announce Table, but Mascaras jumped in. All three guys were brawling on the table, when Rikidozan and Cena shared a look: they immediately teamed up and double suplexed Mascaras from the Spanish Announce table through the adjacent BCCW Announce Table. "Holy Shit" #2 from the crowd. Mascaras was quickly pinned, and Cena and Rikidozan then proceeded to start brawling in earnest.
Rikidozan went into the ringsteps and came up bleeding himself (only about 0.3 Muta, though). Rikidozan still came back strong, though, and at about the 20 minute mark, hit a Spike DDT on Cena... it seemed like it might be over, but Cena had finally recovered. They did a couple tight minutes together, culminating in Rikidozan locking in a Sharpshooter to a MONSTER pop (Rikidozan was, from the start, the fan favorite, even over Cena). Cena almost tapped out. Then he almost PASSED out. But finally he made it to the ropes. Another lease on life for Cena. With his opponent down, Rikidozan first tried pinning Cena. But he kicked out. Rikidozan tried to hit another piledriver on Cena, but Cena ducked and tossed Riki from the ring. Cena had recovered, and kicked Rikidozan in the gut to set up the FU Attitude Adjustment!!! Directly into a STFU. Rikidozan tried to make the ropes. Gave up. Tried to roll over to escape the hold. But Cena rolled through, and kept the hold locked in tighter than ever. And now, he was dead center of the ring. With the crowd cheering and MSD losing it on commentary, Rikidozan finally tapped out at the 25 minute mark. Crowd lost it, Cena started weeping as he was handed the belt. Crowd gave him a standing ovation and confetti fell from the ceiling and the whole nine. Final shot: John Cena raising the belt.
[Just an outstanding match. And so completely satisfying, too. This was the RIGHT finish to the show, plain and simple. Toss in that it came as the finish to a strong Match of the Year Candidate is only that much sweeter. You want to see this match, trust me. Anything else I say would be superfluous. You know what you need to know.]
The show then closed with a 4 minute video montage of the night's highlights.
On the strength of a trio of really good matches this is a solid Thumbs Up call. By virtue of the expectations... I know I found myself waiting at times for the other shoe to drop, for some surprise to hit out of left field... but even when it didn't come, even when this wound up being a fairly by-the-books PPV, there was still so much good and enjoyable that you'd have to be a real cynic to have not enjoyed it.
More thoughts and fall-out tomorrow in OO....
“NATURE BOY” BUDDY ROGERS: “Sleeperhold” by Ray Tennenbaum
LUKE GALLOWS: WWE Magazine August 2010
NECRO BUTCHER: PWMania.com Reported by José Rodrigues on 12/18/06 & Wrestling Fever interview
JOHN CENA : Movieweb Interview January 22nd 2010
HONKY TONK MAN: SLAM Wrestling Interview
RUCKUS: SoCal Uncensored interview by Mark Kawada
SABIAN Myspace Interview March 9th 2010 & PLR Gangster Interview
RYAN DANGERFIELD: MSD's OO Interview Files July 2010
RICK SCAIA: Wrestlemania XX recap
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