CHIP CHIMNEY: We’re here today with the public face and commissioner of Broken City Championship Wrestling, the MadStepDad: MSD.
MSD: Hi Chip.
CHIP CHIMNEY: The debut card from BCCW, “RESPECT THE HOOKERS & SHOOTERS” is shaping up to be epic-level.
MSD: Thank you, Chip. A lot of hard work went into securing the talent and guaranteeing this card. We’re promising one of the biggest nights in fight history.
CHIP CHIMNEY: The main event will be Beantown’s own JOHN CENA in an International 3-Way Dance opposite MIL MASCARAS and a thus far unnamed opponent. Any idea who will fill that 3rd spot?
MSD: Oh absolutely. We’ve had this scenario mapped out since Day One. Currently our target is under strict contractual rule and the BCCW legal team is working diligently to liberate him and allow entry in what will undoubtedly be the most lucrative gate in pro wrestling history. Trust me; the people that work for and around this guy are no joke. They will follow the money.
CHIP CHIMNEY: Mil Mascaras, it has been said, is notoriously hard to work with. How were you able to secure his cooperation?
MSD: Well Mil is the best known masked-luchadore in the world. He was Most Popular Wrestler of the Year in 1975, and is credited for bringing the high-flying style to Japan…
CHIP CHIMNEY: That’s right, even TIGER MASK himself has said there would have been no Jushin Liger, Ultimo Dragon or Great Sasuke without Mascaras’ influence.
MSD: Right, he’s a very important, influential piece of wrestling history – especially in Mexico where he is a native deity. So I simply appealed to his ego and his ingrained desire to be the best Heavyweight wrestler in the world. I set up the parameters of the match with him, explained the ratings dynamic and what we’re expecting to draw, dollar-wise, and he simply couldn’t say no.
CHIP CHIMNEY: John Cena too, I’d presume?
MSD: Actually, with John it’s a little bit different. It’s not all about the money to him. He’s more interested in securing his legacy, and becoming “bigger” than wrestling… kind of like what LeBron James is doing with basketball. John Cena wants his “Cenation” to be the biggest brand in the game. And he’s on his way. John’s actually my boy from way back. He went to college with Esoteric (legendary Cambridge MC) and I partied with him at the release party for “U Can’t See Me” at Virgin Records in Boston (2005 when the album was released). So I know the competitiveness that drives him, and when the opportunity came up to secure a match with two of the biggest names in International Pro Wrestling history he didn’t even think twice. He was the first guy to sign a BCCW contract.
CHIP CHIMNEY: He’s also drawn a lot of resentment from the “proper wrestling” crowd – LOU THESZ included. Sort of like yourself in the Fantasy Promotion game. I heard there was some drama that went down at the Draft Wheel. Care to elaborate?
MSD: Not really. There’s been some short-sightedness with a few of the promoters in the game, and some disagreement with the way we do business here in Broken City. I can’t help it if the biggest talent in the industry wants to come to the City of Champions. You can call me whatever names you want, but I keep it just like my city does – grimy.
CHIP CHIMNEY: Yes, you seem to amassed quite a large conglomerate of men claiming to be “champions”.
MSD: It fits the motif of my city. We are the official “City of Champions”. Boston tried to take the title from us after a few Red Sox and Patriots victories, but we said “HELL NO”. You can’t take our title. Even if it does represent faded glory. But BCCW is bringing back that championship glow, hence the influx of gold belts in our streets. I have a feeling though eventually these title disputes will have to be settled, and we will recognize ONE World Champion...
CHIP CHIMNEY: What of the rumors I’ve heard about the Madman of the Sudan promising to make the streets of Brockton run red with blood???
MSD: (laughs) That’s just Ernie and his big mouth. I have no idea if it’s true or not. But I can say the BCCW legal team is actually working on a package deal for them, that I’ve heard could be quite explosive. If the legends are to be believed.
Phone rings
CHIP CHIMNEY: Looks like we’ve got our first call-in.
(Checks Caller ID)
“MCI-Cedar Junction???” ”This phone call is being recorded. You have received a collect call from an inmate at MCI-Walpole…”
“NEW JACK, bitch.”
“Do you accept charges?”
CHIP CHIMNEY: Yes. Jerome, is that you?
NEW JACK: Yeah! Hell yeah!
MSD: What up, killa??? Are you ready to be one of the main stars in BCCW???
NEW JACK: Ah no, I'm not one of the main stars, I am THE main star. Let's get this right, sheeeet…[laughs] You're talking about one of the, who on there is bigger than me? Nobody. Thank you!
CHIP CHIMNEY: But how will you find an opponent??? Isn’t everybody in the industry scared of you???
NEW JACK: Yeah, hell yeah. [laughs] I'm going to tell you one story. I'm not going to mention no names, I'll just throw my name out there, but sometimes we'd get high before a show. I came in the locker room one day and what Paul E. thought was cocaine on my nose…(and actually it was that time), but this one time after that, me and Sandman made a big joke out of it and got these powdered donuts before the show, and we'd take these powdered donuts and run them on our noses and our lips. We'd walk in the locker room like we were all high and shit. We'd look all crazy and out of our mind, so when the guys would look at me, they'd be like, “I'm not getting in the ring with him after he's been snorting that shit!!!” I was so convincing that people would watch my matches and couldn't tell if I was really sticking someone with a fork or not. There were a lot of times where we'd get done with a match and Paul E. would run in between me and the cat that I was in the ring with because everyone in the locker room thought we were about to fight for real because the shit in the ring was so convincing. So a lot of guys from other companies, they see me, and they can't tell if what I'm doing is a work or not. I try to protect people, but I'm just so good at what I do, and all the horror stories that have been told about me, people just don't want to work against me. I actually had this one cat come up to me before a match and say: "Jack, I have a wife and kids at home and I have a day job, so please don't try to kill me in the ring." It got to a point where he didn't even get into the ring. He ran out into the parking lot and left. He was out there arguing with the promoter, talking about how I look sneaky and was going to fuck him up in the ring. He just got in his car and left. There have been a lot of times where guys come in the locker room and look at the lineup sheet and see their names next to mine and there was a problem.
MSD: New Jack is the biggest gangsta in the history of pro wrestling. There’s no better home for him than here, in the Broken City Slaughterhouse. Where we respect the HOOKERS & SHOOTERS. And I know New Jack knows how to clap the hammer and throw them ‘bows…
NEW JACK: Everybody who knows me knows, and I'm not about bragging about myself, but I will. I can fight. I can fight for real. This ain't no bullshit, I can fuckin throw these things. That's why I don't watch the WWE. I'll throw up if I watch that shit. It makes my stomach upset.
CHIP CHIMNEY: Why are you in Walpole prison now?
NEW JACK: (Sitting at the Morabeza) bar and somebody comes up. "Hey, New Jack!" Then they start getting smart, they start getting drunk, and the next thing you know, they're trying to prove a point to somebody. Well, I'm not the type of guy to argue when I feel like I'm being threatened. There were a few times where I went to court on some shit where I just got up and knocked the fuck out of somebody. I had this one guy come up to me and hit me across the back of my neck, slap me on my neck really hard. I can't stand that shit. Don't touch the back of my neck or my head. I beat the shit out of him in a bar in Philly. People will talk how it's all fake on TV, well on TV I don't have my gun, but now I do. It's happened a few times, so fuck it, I say let's go for broke. Out of all the characters people have in the locker room, why fuck with me? Out of all the people in the locker room you see walking around the hotel, why would you come bother me?
CHIP CHIMNEY: You don’t even have to be around to court controversy. I don’t know if you heard, but there was an issue at the OO draft regarding you and D-Von Dudley…
NEW JACK: D’Von is a white man dressed as a n***a!!! Bubba is the biggest pussy on the planet. Bubba is a bitch. We was in a building one night and Bubba was fighting a fan, and he fights like a girl. He dropped his head and was whipping his arms around like a windmill. Bubba's a bitch. He's influenced Devon a lot to do some of the dumb shit that they've gone out and done. But still, the fact remains the same, without me, there would be no them. They copied my shit. For whatever they ever bought, for whatever they own, for everything their kids put on their back, they have to look back and say it's because of New Jack. They know it because neither one of them can wrestle for shit. Both of them were doing Paul E. when they were in ECW, that's how they got where they are. Then he took all of his boys with him Taz, that gay fucker Tommy Dreamer, I never had a problem with you know what I mean, they were all his boys, know what I'm saying. They went on and they tried to screw everybody they could, but bro it's cool, I'm still surviving, I'm still making money, so fuck them.
NEW JACK: I'm going to tell you something. Everybody that I've ever hurt in the ring, I tried to. There have been a few people that I hurt, and it was a known fact that I was going to hurt them because before I ever went into the ring, I had already made up my mind that there was something they had done to me that pissed me off, and I was going to get them. Eric Kulas, he knew I was going to cut him before I cut him, he just didn't know how deep I was going to cut his ass. Paul E. knew I was going to cut him, but to this day he denies it. I told him: "I'm going to try to cut the top of his fuckin head off. Chad Austin, when I broke his leg, he came up to me before the match and said he wanted to have a match like we had against Public Enemy. He was talking about how he wanted this, that, and the other, blood and gut, and I was like, who is this guy? What ended up happening is I broke his leg with a chair. The good part about this, though, was he pissed me off so bad that that's how I came up with my finish. They call it a 187, diving off of the top rope with the chair. Chad is the reason I came up with that because I wanted to do something to him that people would really remember. I needed something that I thought would kill that motherfucker with, so I dove off with the chair and smashed him in the face with the chair. That's how I started doing that as my finish.
CHIP CHIMNEY: Any type of match stipulations or opponents you would prefer?
NEW JACK: Eventually, everyone is going to have to walk down South Central Blvd. and come to my house. And when you get to my house, if I could choose a type of match, I'd want to see a cage with a roof so you can't get out. Where I could just beat the fuck out of you and there's nothing you could do about it but complain like a little bitch. Or make it outside in like a football stadium and it's really dark so you can't really see, so I could just walk up and knock your ass out, then go run and hide. Just keep popping up and beating the shit out of you, cutting your arms off, shit like that. [laughs] Cut your arms and your legs off so you have to hop around and complain, complain until you almost die and then I resuscitate your ass and beat you some more. [laughs] I'm want to have one of those electric shock things like they have in the hospital…Clear! Then I beat the fuck out of you again. Ice picks, I'll stick them in your eyes. I want to fight in somebody's front yard, and you're down, then all of a sudden I climb on top of somebody's house with a lawn mower. I'll crank that motherfucker up and instead of diving off with a chair, I'll dive off with a lawn mower and cut your ass up!!!
CHIP CHIMNEY: Well thank you for your time guys, we’ll see you in Broken City soon enough.
MSD: “RESPECT THE HOOKERS & SHOOTERS”. Buy the muthaphuckkin PPV.
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