Ladies & Gentleman, we are LIVE from the last leg of our BCCW farewell/reunion tour! Back in sunny California where the skyline is the same color as tarantula legs in a bag of hydro bud. In major news events, BCCW has announced a second card to be held shortly - at the same time the Champ John Cena was involved in a near-fatal car wreck. The ramifications of both these incidents are massive in scope.
Here in LA, LA, Big City of Dreams, wrestling fans scramble to rearrange schedules in anticipation of this massive event. Already scheduled for the card is an 8 man Money-In-The-Bank ladder match featuring New Jack, The BLK Mobb & The Fabulous Freebirds amongst others. We are also receiving word there will be a Title Unification match at the PPV as well. Plus, the fallout from Cena's accident. Will he be able to defend the title?
But first, BCCW is going Hollywood as one of the most explosive, sensastional and controversial scandals in wrestling history is coming to light. The saga of Xtreme Associates and the King of the Death Match world championship.
1) The "King of the Death Match" title had it's origins in Japan, with the advent of ultra-violence. Such luminaries as OG Cactus Jack, Terry Funk and Onita have all had bloody runs for this non-sanctioned title. It migrated to the US through ECW, where it was pilfered and taken out West upon it's demise. Now it rests upon the shoulders of the Arch Angel of Xtreme The MESSIAH. He was elevated to this lofty position by porn magnate and #1 admirer LIZZY BORDEN.
Their scandolous affair was the talk of the Extreme sports world for months. It ended very dramatically when hired goons ambushed The Messiah in his own home - outside the ring, off camera - and attempted to murder him. - The Messiah Is Attacked In His Home.
Shortly after LIZZY BORDEN was released from prison, the pair reunited in their desire to resurrect the "King of the Death Match" title on the grandest stage of them all - BCCW's "Respect the Shooters & Hookers". But their dreams of domination were quickly shattered, and the two became heated, bitter enemies. Lizzy Borden even went as far as to say SHE would be the one to challenge Messiah for the title and end his reign once and for all! But the dark shadows of their past threatened to consume them both, when the assailants from Messiah's near-fatal attack finally reared their heads. None other than "VICIOUS" VIC GRIMES has come out of the woodwork (and out of ICU after his 30-foot flaming table plummet) to claim responsibility for the hit. Of course it's all drug-related. "Vicious" Vic Grimes is like the Ol Dirty Bastard of extreme wrestling - the drunken monk who finds invincibility high on narcotics. Here's what he had to say on the matter:
So at "CITY of CHAMPIONS", the "King of the Death Match" title will be defended in a 3-Way between reigning champion THE MESSIAH and his two challengers LIZZY BORDEN and "VICIOUS" VIC GRIMES!!! Anything goes, no fall to a finish.
Cut to commercial
2) The hardcore continues with a message from the Straight Edge Society.
When you face Necro Butcher... YOU CHOOSE DEATH.
3) Cut to commercial
Joe "Toots" Mondt is one of the all-time legends of pro wrestling -- to the point where some people give him credit for inventing the whole enterprise as it came to be known through the 20th century. He was one of the main figures in the 1937 book FALL GUYS by Marcus Griffin where he was portrayed as a dangerous shooter and a genius promoter and schemer. Lou Thesz called Mondt "a thief and a liar" but conceded that he was "a powerful and skilled wrestler" -- compliments Thesz didn't toss out readily. What isn't so widely known about Mondt is that he was a partner in Jack Corcoran's Toronto office, and was even for a time the majority owner. He also became a resident of Ontario in 1932-33, although not by choice. In the summer of 1932, Mondt and his brother, Ralph Mondt, along with a woman described as a local dancer, were driving on Highway 24 just east of Collingwood, a resort town about 70 miles north of Toronto off Georgian Bay. Toots, who was in his late 30s at the time, was behind the wheel of a 16-cylinder Cadillac sports car. Just after midnight on August 21, after coming around a curve, he collided with a car driven by J. Edward Burnie of Toronto. Burnie's passenger, 21-year-old Theresa Luccioni, was killed instantly. A coroner's inquest found that Mondt had been driving too quickly and on September 2, he was committed for trial on a charge of manslaughter.
Mondt -- who was injured in a second car accident in New York in September -- was represented by prominent Toronto lawyer D. Lally McCarthy, later the treasurer of the Law Society of Upper Canada and the son of one of the founders of the law firm that evolved into McCarthy Tétrault, now one of Canada's largest. At the trial in November, held in Barrie, Collingwood constable Lorne Davidson testified that, while in the hospital, Mondt had offered him money from his pants pocket. In response, Mondt said he thought the constable wanted to buy some "cigarettes or sandwiches or something" and offered some money he had in a drawer. Mondt testified that he was only driving at 35-40 miles an hour and that it was Burnie who swerved over the line and into his car. The jury wasn't impressed. While the charge of manslaughter was dismissed, Mondt was found guilty of criminal negligence following a four-hour deliberation. Mr. Justice Patrick Kerwin sentenced Mondt to one year in the Ontario reformatory in Guelph. According to the Star, Kerwin had suggested an acquittal in his charge to the jury.
The appeal was heard late in January and early in February, the court ruled in Mondt's favour. The conviction was overturned (Chief Justice Francis R. Latchford dissented from the decision of the majority) and he was free to leave. That wasn't the end of Mondt's problems, however, as the mother of the woman killed in the accident filed a $10,000 (about $150,000 today) suit against him that was heard in December. A second action, heard at the same time, was brought by Ralph Mondt against his brother and Burnie, claiming $5,000 in damages for loss of earnings and suffering. Supporting Mondt's version of events at the civil trial was his dancer passenger, who by an amazing coincidence had since moved from Collingwood to New York. Burnie testified that Mondt was driving across the centre line. Judgment was reserved on December 15, and the outcome was never publically reported. In FALL GUYS, Griffin writes that Mondt spent about $300,000 defending himself in the criminal and civil proceedings. If true, that would be over $4 million in today's dollars.
While charges are still pending, word on the street is Cena may be on the road to recovery. Either way, the ultimatatum handed down from BCCW management clearly states John Cena must defend his title at "CITY of CHAMPIONS" - or be irrovocabley stripped, and the championsip will be handed to his opponent that night ABDULLAH the BUTCHER!!! But this isn't just any fight, it's a "Last Man Standing Match". Can Cena survive the odds??? Will he even be able to make it to the show???
Cut to commercial
4) “Diamonds from Sierre Leone” by Kanye West can only mean one thing:
In this case, it’s the Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and the immaculately-attired “Nature Boy” strutting to ringside. They take the house mic and address the West Coast audience. Wade Barrett and Ted Dibiase Jr. are in Las Vegas training for their fight against Evan Bourne & Mil Mascaras at “CITY of CHAMPIONS”. That leaves Buddy and Bobby to tend to business matters right HERE in Los Angeles! At the next BCCW PPV – aptly titled “CITY of CHAMPIONS” – there can only be one recourse: an appearance by the REAL World’s Champion “Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers!!! You see, the Diamond Dynasty are brilliant tacticians, wrestlers and business men. They have secured a deal with Gold Dust Trio Inc – THE hottest, most influential sports management agency in Pro Wrestling – and intend to aid in their conquest of the sports entertainment world. In return, The Gold Dust Trio Inc. has offered the Dynasty an Undisputed World Title shot at the next PPV. The one and only chance the Dynasty needs to secure Rogers’ rightful place in the new hierarchy of pro wrestling – right at the top. “Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers – undisputed world champion.
In this case, it’s the Bobby “The Brain” Heenan and the immaculately-attired “Nature Boy” strutting to ringside. They take the house mic and address the West Coast audience. Wade Barrett and Ted Dibiase Jr. are in Las Vegas training for their fight against Evan Bourne & Mil Mascaras at “CITY of CHAMPIONS”. That leaves Buddy and Bobby to tend to business matters right HERE in Los Angeles! At the next BCCW PPV – aptly titled “CITY of CHAMPIONS” – there can only be one recourse: an appearance by the REAL World’s Champion “Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers!!! You see, the Diamond Dynasty are brilliant tacticians, wrestlers and business men. They have secured a deal with Gold Dust Trio Inc – THE hottest, most influential sports management agency in Pro Wrestling – and intend to aid in their conquest of the sports entertainment world. In return, The Gold Dust Trio Inc. has offered the Dynasty an Undisputed World Title shot at the next PPV. The one and only chance the Dynasty needs to secure Rogers’ rightful place in the new hierarchy of pro wrestling – right at the top. “Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers – undisputed world champion.
BOBBY “the Brain” HEENAN: You bet he's going to be doing just that. He's going to become the heavyweight champion of the world and I'll tell you why. First of all, the man is undefeated in over 15 years as a professional athlete. You see, a few short hours from now that clock is ticking. And it's ticking in our direction not yours. The door’s going to be shut on the history books once and for all. There is a new heavyweight champion of the world. The odds on favorite in Las Vegas and all over the whole wrestling world, they're picking ”Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers. Nobody can defeat this man. Nobody even can come close to defeating this man. I know it's happening to you now because it's happening to me. The butterflies are in my stomach. The adrenaline's flowing thru my veins and I'm getting ready. Cuz I'm gonna manage the heavyweight champion of the world! And Thesz - hey you've had a few good years. But it's all over. ”Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers - the heavyweight champion of the world!!!
What the - ??? A familiar bass line throbs through the arena. There’s a momentary delayed-reaction as the audience registers the surprise. Could it be????
Crowd pop is MASSIVE. Both Heenan and Rogers have to cup their ears, but their eyes can’t hide the look of utter surprise (and maybe a little fear???) It’s TRIPLE H in the flesh! Green and Black laser light show, DX T-Shirt and about a half-dozen crotch chops – all directed towards the Diamond Dynasty!!!
TRIPLE H comes equipped with the mic, and waits for the crowd to settle down before speaking. He spouts a few DX catch-phrases to warm up the crowd, before ripping into the Nature Boy. References Lou Thesz’ earlier comments about athletes vs showmen – and where Buddy Rogers fits on that scale.
DX TRIPLE H: Entertainment. Sometimes I watch TV and I think, "Who watches this crap?" It's OK, but it's not exciting, it's not entertaining -- and I'm not saying we're everyone's cup of tea. I think there's a large section of our population -- more than people want to believe -- that know what we are, want to be entertained. It's like live comic books. You've got good guys and bad guys, good looking women and good looking men, music and pyro and you live out your fantasies with it. There's this big anti-aggression sentiment, but when you're a kid, that's what you think about. You don't think about picking daisies when you're a 12-year-old boy; you think about being Batman or Spider-man, or John Cena or Triple H. From there, the story lines meld that all together and keep people involved and interested. Sometimes people look at the stories we do and say they are wacky, but it's no more wacky than "Desperate Housewives." I remember when that show first came on and hearing all about it. My wife was watching it and I sat down to watch a few minutes. I was like, "Are you kidding? This is the big rage? And they give us a hard time?"
DX Triple H likens The Diamond Dynasty to the Desperate Housewives for a cheap pop and laugh from the audience. Heenan and Rogers faces sour.
”NATURE BOY” BUDDY ROGERS: The first mistake [you] make, I’m gonna inhale ya! Figure-Four…. Break ya leg!
BOBBY “The Brain” HEENAN: (Hyping up the Nature Boy) He's just that much of a genius when it comes to this. I'm not sucking up to him to get a job. I said that when I worked for him and I knew that when I first decided to work for him and knew what he had in mind. He just has a knack. Some guys just have that… and some guys don't! (points to DX Triple H)
Then it’s settled! The Championship match at “CITY of CHAMPIONS” will be a title unification bout!!! DX TRIPLE H and his WWWF Championship versus “Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers and his Real World’s Championship!!! There can be only one winner!!! To end the segment, Triple H shows footage of the Diamond Dynasty’s limo disgraced and vandalized with “DX” and other naughty words spray-painted all over it! Crowd loves it as Nature Boy and the Weasel explode in an angry tizzy! Crotch-chop from Triple H and we’re done!
Big news this week is the confirmation of BCCW’s next pay-per-view event. The event, titled "CITY of CHAMPIONS," will be live from the Broken City Slaughtahouse on Thursday, August 12th 2010. Event time is 9 p.m., and event cost will be $49.95. It'll be a three hour show. Request TV will be the PPV distributor here in the U.S.; Viewer's Choice, the other major US PPV outlet (and #1 outlet in Canada) will not be picking up the show. Man am I glad that Dayton's TCI Cable switched from VC to Request a couple weeks ago! The main event will be John Cena taking on Abdullah the Butcher in a Last Man Standing match. Also on the card, there will be a Three Way Dance between Vic Grimes, Lizzy Borden and The Messiah. I'd say these matches probably are subject to change, as BCCW's known for wildly and quickly adaptive booking; also, I'd expect another 3 or so matches added to the card. OO Wrestling's Chip Chimney obtained the following official press release:
DENVER, August 10, 2010 -- Request Television, Inc. announced today that it will exclusively distribute the Broken City Championship Wrestling (BCCW) event on pay-per-view.
"BCCW CITY of CHAMPIONS" will be aired live from 9pm-12am (ET) on Thursday, August 12th 2010. An immediate replay will follow at 12am (ET) and an encore showing is scheduled for Sunday August 15th 2010. The suggested retail price of the event, which will take place at the Broken City Slaughtahouse in Brockton MA is $49.95.
BCCW pushes professional wrestling to its outer limits. It's high-impact, fast-paced action and progressive story lines have cultivated a loyal following of fans around the nation. The BCCW shows are more geared for adult wrestling audiences. Therefore, the BCCW event start time will be 9pm (ET), compared to other monthly wrestling events that Request carries, which are shown at 7pm (ET).
"BCCW is theatrically more extreme and more aggressive than other wrestling events we carry, and we have taken several precautions to ensure that the event is geared to an adult audience by including parental warnings similar to how we would treat an R-rated movie and by giving it a later time slot," said Request's Debbie Barackman, Vice-President of Programming.
"The opportunity for our growing fan base around the country to see BCCW on pay-per-view will be a great boost for us and take BCCW to another plateau," said BCCW executive producer MSD. "We feel strongly that we have an extremely popular and entertaining product, and look forward to showcasing our incredibly talented athletes to a national audience.”
Meanwhile, the IWC remains abuzz with the latest developments in Broken City Championship Wrestling...
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