We've come full circle tonight for the FINAL Hype Show before "RESPECT THE HOOKERS & SHOOTERS". Back to Broken City MA State where the card is scheduled to occur. We're LIVE from the Good Times Emporium in Somerville MA, where the spotlight will shine firmly upon the Bay State. By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty. Tonight's all about the kids, so after the show feel free to hit up the arcade and game room. Free skee ball for everyone.
1) Cue "Massive Attack" by Nicki Minaj. Enter a bubbly, cheerleader-next-door girl - adorable in her wholesome candor.
120 lbs
World Women's Wrestling (WWW) Champion
She's the little honey dip alluded to earlier in the OO Draft. A mainstay in New England Championship Wrestling (NECW) and WWW, young ALEXXIS NEVAEH has rocked the ring from New Bedford to Quincy. Now she's in Broken City celebrating BCCW's inaugural card "RESPECT THE HOOKERS & SHOOTERS".
She's in action now.
Her perseverance, her determination, her never-say-die attitude. All sterling virtues we aspire to impart upon our own children and families. In Money Massachusetts we teach Hustle, Loyalty & Respect - and young ALEXXIS NEVAEH is the ideal representation.
"Slacker Jesus" by Society 1 blares through the soundsystem, disrupting the jovial victory celebration. All eyes are thrown to the entrance ramp where...
LIZZY BORDEN has appeared, alongside THE MESSIAH!!!
She mocks ALEXXIS for her unvarnished wholesomeness, dismissing her as barely nubile. Both LIZZY and MESSIAH have entered the ring, cornering the young champion.
LIZZY BORDEN: This scene is going to be pretty violent. For me, it will be (grins wickedly at ALEXXIS). And for other people that are into porno...
turns to address the audience further
LIZZY BORDEN: You want to see hardcore ass-fucking, DP [double-penetration], cum, piss, shit, whatever you can!!! I'm fucked up! I can write something! I can be a man! It's a power thing...
Lizzy turns back to Alexxis, who is pinned against a turnbuckle by the quietly seething MESSIAH
LIZZY BORDEN: These people told me I couldn't do something, and that's the only reason I wanted to do it. Because they told me I can't ... So I started to get more and more hardcore, until now no one can top me. I can get anyone to do anything because I am a woman. I think I've earned that respect. I'm fucked up. I can admit it. People say they are sorry for me, and I'm like, why? It's made me a better person. I don't want to be a pansy.
She orders Messiah to STRIKE. He grabs Alexxis Nevaeh by the hair - she struggles futilely. The crowd booes loudly at the appalling display, as Lizzy Borden encourages their disgust by retrieving and erecting a wooden table - with the clear intent of having The Messiah drive Alexxis through it. The crowd reacts in horror!
Like a purple-cloaked bullet, DESMOND WOLFE (aka Nigel McGuinness) shoots from the audience into the ring and unloads upon The Messiah!!!
The crowd explodes with delight as Wolfe tosses The Messiah around, and Lizzy Borden retreats from the ring. Messiah tries to mount an offense, but it is quickly countered by the English buzzsaw who winds up driving the Messiah through his own table!!! Crowd goes crazy!
Ever the gentleman, DESMOND WOLFE offers his hand to Alexxis and helps her off the mat. He grabs the microphone and addresses Lizzy and the Messiah, both slinking back up the entrance ramp.
DESMOND WOLFE: I think there is definitely a notion of American guys being bigger superstars than British guys, but that is obviously larger a perception based on coverage. From what I've been told the current TV market in the UK just isn't interested in a smutty, XTREEEEEMELY crappy product. The ebbs and flows of the business are often swung by very few people. I don't think the last celebrity "wrestling" helped things at all, even though anyone in the business knows it had nothing to do with wrestling. Alongside the young WWW champion, Desmond Wolfe (aka Nigel McGuinness) throws down the gauntlet to the Xtreme Duo.
At "RESPECT THE HOOKERS & SHOOTERS" - Desmond Wolfe & Alexxis Nevaeh versus The Messiah & Lizzy Borden in a Mixed Tag Team Match! But not satisfied enough with that challenge, Lizzy Borden takes it a step further and insists male on female violence be sanctioned in this match. Some bitch is gonna catch a beating.
LIZZY BORDEN: This is what I want. I have a vision. This is what's going to happen... (laughs wickedly as she caresses The Messiah's chest, his twisted visage betraying no doubts about his cruel intentions).
DESMOND WOLFE: (to the audience) Just keep supporting and respecting wrestling. Remember that the people in the ring are risking and sacrificing a lot to be where they are. If it was that easy and the rewards were that great there'd be a lot more people doing it.
Desmond Wolfe & Alexxis Nevaeh versus Lizzy Borden & The Messiah in an Anything-Goes Intergender Tag Match! Only at "RESPECT THE HOOKERS & SHOOTERS!!!"
2) "Ladies and gentleman from the Volunteer state of Tennessee... RICKY MORTON & ROBERT GIBSON... fans, they are The Rock ‘N Roll Express!!!"
The Rock-N-Wrestling Connection exploded into the stratosphere in 1985, during a time when wrestling was real. At this peak, there is arguably no tag team more popular than the Rock-N-Roll Express. They've sold out arenas all over the world. They've still got it, judging by the feverish crowd reaction to the team today in Broken City. Ladies and teens scream and swoon for the championship-caliber duo. You don't need a DeLorean or a Flux Capacitor to reach 88 with these boys. They're bringing back 1985 all the way live.
ROBERT GIBSON: It was a lot different than it is now, if you jam a finger you get a cortisone shot and go home, for us we wrestled no matter how bad we were hurt.
RICKY MORTON: I wrestled with a broken nose, cracked ribs, we’ve both lost teeth in the ring and Robert had his knee ripped out as well. We came from Memphis (an area based on characters and storytelling) to work for Bill Watts in Louisiana (a territory of hard wrestling and extreme travel) and popped the crowd. On our first night in the NWA we beat the Russians (Ivan Koloff and Krusher Kruschev) for the tag team titles. It was unheard of.
ROBERT GIBSON: That’s from about 1985 and we just had the won the titles; we were just kids.
RICKY MORTON: We’ll make you think it’s 1985 all over again!
They promise the fans a good, fair fight. A sign in the audience says "Rock-N-Roll Express: Boogie Woogie Dance Hall". Young girls scream at the top of their lungs, and vie for the boys attention from the front row. The Rock-N-Roll Express would now like to ask their opponents at "RESPECT THE HOOKERS & SHOOTERS" to reveal themselves...
Cue "Who Dat" by J.Cole
Introducing RUCKUS
G'd up from head to toe - bandannas and timbs. SABIAN throws up gang signs while RUCKUS makes his way down the ramp smoking a Vanilla Dutchmaster. Representing the streets, gangsta rap and the coldest killers in the game - THE BLK MOBB!!! Respect the Shooters! BRAAAAP BRAAAP!!!! Buck buck buck!!!
SABIAN: During my entrance I feel up the girls in the crowd. Ruckus comes out smoking weed. It's not politically correct, but it's shit that fans want to be able to do themselves. They sit in the audience thinking how come they can't do that and get away with it. We do it, and they relate.
RUCKUS: All we ask is that people show us some respect. We come here every month, and work every weekend, driving nine or fourteen hours to go someplace to wrestle. Appreciate what we do.
ROBERT GIBSON: You know, me and Ricky now, I think we're the longest tag team in history. Yeah, we've been going since '82 together. But to be a good team, you just need to know the other guy's moves. Hell, me and Ricky do shit we don't even call (in the ring). We just go….Yeah. It's like we know each other's moves backwards.
RUCKUS: We can put on a really good match with just about anyone. We could put on a match, move for move, that people loved seeing in another company. But if we did it in CZW, people would (criticize) it, just because it's CZW. Take me, for example. Someone who doesn't know who I am hears on the internet that I'm in CZW so I must be just a 'spot-monkey'. That fucks it up for me when some other booker reads that, and won't even give me a shot, even though they've never seen me. But I can work with a lot of the BCCW guys, and I'd love the chance to work with them. But because I'm with CZW, I can't even get a break."
ROBERT GIBSON: It's gonna be fun. Tell everyone to come out. It's gonna be fun…Great, yeah. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm gonna get there early and I'm really looking forward to it.
The Rock-N-Roll Express lean in and offer a handshake of mutual respect. SABIAN & RUCKUS the Blk Mobb roll their eyes in disgust. Instead, they throw their gang sign in Robert and Ricky's faces in the most disrespectful manner possible. See you at "RESPECT THE SHOOTERS & HOOKERS".... bee-yotch!!! Ruckus blows a fat cloud of marijuana smoke into Robert's face. Ricky slaps Sabian and in a flash the two tag teams are being pried apart by a horde of BCCW security! The crowd is going ballistic!
At "RESPECT THE SHOOTERS & HOOKERS" it will be the Rock-N-Roll Express versus Sabian & Ruckus the BLK MOBB!!! 1985 versus 2005!!! Rap versus Rock-N-Roll!!!
3) Backstage, cameras track down one of BCCW's newest recruits. He is alone in the restroom, snorting something up his nose. During the following interplay, it's clear to see he's very fucking high.
Introducing VIC GRIMES!!!
LUKE GALLOWS stands militant, before raising a single black-gloved fist into the air. He calls forth his newest recruit from the BCCW lockerroom. The newest member of SES 2010, a man stuck in the morass of self-abuse who desperately needs a helping hand. A man who has seen the light, a man who was rescued from the depths of depravity by SES Savior LUKE GALLOWS.
ABC NEWS: There was another gang fight. Police say about 30 suspected Straight Edgers and another group of kids exchanged words. Tempers flared, and a large brawl broke out. Bernardo Reprenza, just 15 years old was beaten and stabbed to death. His assailants allegedly beat him unconscious with a baseball bat.
LUKE GALLOWS is greeted by NECRO BUTCHER with the kind of zeal usually reserved for superstar celebrities or the President of the United States. He bows before the massive Gallows, and reveals his taped wrists and hands (emblazoned with big black "X's"). Gallows hands him the mic.
NECRO BUTCHER: I started with the CWA, who ran the Sportatorium in 1997. Black Bart was the trainer and I stayed with them for about a year, I was still in the army when I began training and when my enlistment was up, I decided to stay in Texas and give wrestling a try. It was something I watched on TV with my father as a kid, my parents were divorced, so our time together was limited. When he died, his mother took it upon herself to keep us watching it and even took us to our first live wrestling in Wheeling, WV. It was always a big part of my life as a kid, whether it be watching every show that was on, or buying magazines, or playing play-by-mail fantasy leagues or anything I could do to get more wrestling in my life. So when I had the chance to train with the wrestlers, I wasn’t going to quit no matter what.
NECRO BUTCHER starts to get a little misty-eyed, as he is obviously approaching a very difficult and unsteady time in his life. Big LUKE GALLOWS offers a few comforting words, encouraging Necro Butcher to continue.
NECRO BUTCHER: It's taken me a while, but I'm finally able to make a living wrestling and that feels damn good, but you have to get out there and make contacts, not too many companies run weekly shows, most are just monthly, so you have to string together bookings and pick and choose where you work and try to keep everybody happy so they will keep you bringing you back.
LUKE GALLOWS laments the lengths Necro Butcher went to sustain his career. Death matches, thousands and thousands of stitches, broken bones and yes... substance abuse. He references the big pot leaf tattoo on Butcher's shoulder, now covered with athletic tape and marked with an "X". But has the Butcher felt weak ever since his immersion into the Straight Edge lifestyle?
NECRO BUTCHER: Not lately, but early in my career I did. Nothing I couldn't’t handle then, and I'm sure nothing will ever happen I can’t handle either.... In-ring focus switches to a portion of the ringside audience, where Gallows spots members of the crowd drinking beers and smoking cigarettes. He whispers to the Butcher. They have an idea.
Both men make their way ringside, and lambaste the fans in the front row who are willfully poisoning their system - and those around them - with foreign pollutants. Gallows likens them to the BP Oil Spill in the Gulf of Mexico - bad for everybody's health. At first the fans play along, until it becomes clear the SES isn't kidding around.
SUDDENLY, the Necro Butcher snatches the beer bottle out of the mans hands while Luke Gallows grabs him by the collar and drags him over the guardrail to ringside!!! It's an unprovoked assault on a member of the audience by the Straight Edge Society!!!
They kick, punch and slam the man before rolling him into the ring. BUTCHER breaks the beer bottle at ringside and enters the ring with a deadly shank. As Luke Gallows holds the battered man down, Necro Butcher proceeds to slice him to ribbons with the broken beer bottle!!! The crowd reacts in HORROR as blood spurts everywhere and the poor man screams in pain and anguish!!! BCCW Security race to the ring to break up the madness!!!
The crowd is in stunned amazement as BCCW Security is finally able to pry Gallows and the Butcher off the poor man. Luke Gallows sticks his finger in the head of Securities face, indicating this is far from over...
Just then,
A THIRD mystery man enters the ring through the crowd!!! He's big, fat and bald, but with everything covered by black (and with a black mask and black hoodie on) nobody can tell who it is. The masked man THROTTLES the BCCW Security Team! Absolute carnage, as the masked mystery man goes to town on the team, using a shovel to maximize damage! With the help of Necro Butcher, buckets of thumb tacks and bags of broken glass get introduced to the ring. Within moments, the BCCW Security team is laid out in a bloody heap, leaving only LUKE GALLOWS and his disciples looming over them.
LUKE GALLOWS surveys the carnage, and chuckles contently. Behind him, the Necro Butcher and the mysterious masked man raise their fists in salute. The Straight Edge Society is here in BCCW. And they plan on making a serious impact at "RESPECT THE SHOOTERS & HOOKERS". But who is the mystery 3rd person???
BARBARA WALTERS: When it goes that far. And we have just learned that local and federal authorities have put Straight Edge, along with other groups involved in domestic terrorism, on a list of people to watch closely.
5) Backstage, we are greeted by THE GRAND WIZARD of wrestling.
He introduces his charge "the Shiek" ABDULLAH the BUTCHER!!! before cutting a promo on BCCW, indicating there are ulterior motives to his and Abdullah's arrival in Broken City. There is a force greater than even he who is directing their every move. All plans to be revealed soon enough...
"Ashes to Ashes and dust to dust. If the Sudanese Meat Cleaver don't get ya, than the fireball must..."
interview with THE GRAND WIZARD himself
6) Cue "My Time Is Now" as JOHN CENA makes his entrance and the crowd goes absolutely BALLISTIC. The biggest pop of all time.
JOHN CENA: First thing you have to understand is that freestyling is much different than making hip-hop music, there's another whole element to being a hip-hop MC. But I've been freestyling and messing around with rhyming since I was 13. That's when I really started listening to hip-hop music. I was at an age when hip-hop embodied rebellion and embodied what not to do. Your parents wouldn't let you listen to it, watch the videos, or dress like the hip-hop gangsters. I'm from a small town in northern Massachusetts, so that was like a gateway for me to express myself. So not only did I listen to hip-hop and dress hip-hop, but I messed around with rhyming myself.
John Cena takes it upon himself to introduce the other 2 men in the International 3-Way Dance main event at "RESPECT THE HOOKERS & SHOOTERS". Tonight is the big contract signing, and Cena wants to make sure they get their proper respects from the American wrestling audience...
JOHN CENA: I'm about to show you how I whoop a Latino/ you run from me like you run from El Nino/ Hot like jalapeños stuck on an enchilada, I'm a rottweiler you're a Mexican Chihuahua/ You gets nada - don't bother the crew bro/ stick to salsa and listen to Manudo/ You hate me cuz I'm white? That's reverse discrimination. I hate you for two words - "illegal immigration"/ Yo sit back and relax, listen to the boss. You work at Taco Bell handing me the mild sauce/ Take a loss - know that you're phony. I got coconuts... y'all got no cahones...
JOHN CENA: I'll be making you move so quick, you can't see me in slo-mo.
Get your throat cut when you step in the dojo/
Y'all got no flow, we be makin hits -
You like a proctologist, you feelin my shit/
Yeah - you all hype like a street team
I spend more time holdin a mic than Mean Gene/
Makin beat fiends scream, they be lovin the click
Roll solo to the party but I leave with ya chick/
All hell breaks loose before pen can even touch paper! After those inflammatory introductions, tense words are exchanged between the three international forces before the fists start flying! Mascaras hits Cena with the flying forearm! Rikidozan shoulder tackles Mascaras out of the ring! Cena FU's Rikidozan! The crowd at the Good Times Emporium in Somerville MA is going CRAZY!!!

DESMOND WOLFE: Interview by Craig Young and pwresource.com
LIZZY BORDEN: June 20, 2002 Salon.com
ROCK-N-ROLL EXPRESS: Interview by Ladon Campbell, dekalbramblings.com March 9th 2010 & World Wrestling Insanity Interview by James Guttman Feb 10, 2010
RUCKUS & SABIAN: By Bob Kapur- SLAM! Wrestling July 25th 2006
NECRO BUTCHER: PWMania.com, José Rodrigues interview 12/18/06
BARBARA WALTER: ABC 20/20 Interview in Straight Edge
JOHN CENA: Smackdown & "Running Game" lyrics
THE GRAND WIZARD: Canadian radio interview 1972
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