Sunday, November 21, 2010



The News From Dayton remains a combination of the MOST RELIABLE wrestling news as reported elsewhere in the wrestling underground and the most interesting morsels of exclusive and unique news that I can dig up. The goal is the both inform and entertain you, the Home Viewer, without cluttering up your brain with total lies and fabrications that are common on other web pages.


If you're not interested in BCCW, this may not be the NFD Weekly Edition for you... your best bet may be to come back tomorrow when MakerSaidTaker and DKBroiler will undoubtedly be the news of the day.

BCCW held its RESPECT THE SHOOTERS & HOOKERS card last night... and for the first time in five tries, it was broadcast nationally on PPV. Also for the first time in five tries, I was there live to watch the show.

I'll never downplay the cool atmosphere of a live BCCW event. Obviously, a lot has changed since the first few times I saw BCCW live (some two and a half years ago). The promotion doesn't send its wrestlers out into the crowd as impetuously as they did in the past. And the fans have certainly changed to include a lower percentage of really cool, smart fans who think they're onto something that might someday be big. I guess part of the reason why is that to get big, BCCW had to count on a wider audience (including some undesirable elements), and also tone down the wanton violence and fan interaction. But it's still very cool to witness one of these events in person.

However, even live and in person, it was easy to get the vibe. There were some cool surprises, and some great "make-even-the-most-cynical-fan-cringe" action, too.

The big day started with lines of communication getting crossed, which meant doing nothing more exciting during the early evening than sitting in the Slaughtahouse parking lot tossing back a few brews. It's a good thing we were there on the spot, too... if we'd shown up later, we would not have gotten in line near enough to the front to have a seat once inside the building. I thought the line was long when we got in it... it proceeded to quadruple in size. Damn. General Admission sucks for those who arrived late.

The venue looked great, and was packed to standing room only... in fact, during the show the "standing" part came into play, as "Sit the fuck down" chants were more common than chants regarding the match actually going on. Fans in the bleachers apparently wanted to watch the show sitting down; fans at ringside apparently believed they could somehow see more of the action by standing up. Also, there were some fans who were upset at having to stand for the show; all I can say is that when you buy a ticket that says "general admission," you must know what you're in for. That probably sounds callous since we actually got there early enough to get great seats in the fourth or fifth row of one of the bleachers, but hey... [Actually, I really do feel bad that some people who spent the extra $10 on "TV General Admission" -- the side of bleachers opposite the cameras -- didn't get seats. I have a feeling, though, that the problem lies with jack-ass fans who bought the $15 tickets sneaking into the designated TV Gen. Adm. area, not with the promotion over-selling that set of bleachers.]

Anyway, the end result of all this was that BCCW had 35,000 or more folks packed in, all of them anxious to see one hell of a show. At about 20 till 9:00pm, the big show kicked off. Like I said above, good outweighing bad. On top of that, the live BCCW experience is always cool, so the trip was definitely worth it. Anyway, to sum up, the whole experience is a definite Thumbs Up.




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