Do it better than anybody you ever seen do it/
Screams from the haters – got a nice ring to it
I guess every superhero need his theme music…
* KANYE WEST “Power”
You know the drill, we back for another BCCW spectacular. Peep the event theme song; it’s by another one of my boys from Brockton. Let me know what you think of it. Peace.
Cue Theme Song
(submission match)
Suplex/chain-wrestling seminar. Incredibly impactful and hard-hitting. BCCW “Know the Ledge” becomes the first PPV to lead off with an instant 5-Star Classic. In the immortal words of the IWC’s biggest BCCW fanboy:
Some slower mat-based stuff got us started, but before long, we were clicking along at a brisk clip. The final 10 minutes or so of this match was off-the-charts fantastic, too, with tons of reversals of submission moves. Swagger kicked out of an angle-slam while The Strangler was able to reverse or reach the ropes while in a couple of ankle locks. Swagger, for his part, escaped a number of crossfaces and an ankle lock, and also kicked out after a big time swandive headbutt. The final portion of the match had Lewis escape a regular ankle lock, only to have Swagger counter with a sort of super-duper ankle lock that was augmented with a sort of leg scissors to trap Lewis’ leg and make it harder to reverse or reach the ropes. Realizing there was no out, The Strangler finally tapped out (one time like Fedor Emelianenko) at about the 25 minute mark. Swagger celebrated and received a standing ovation from the crowd on his way out. “Five star" classic this was some damn fine TV. The last half of the match was spectacular. Seeing such wide-ranging arsenals executed at full speed was a special treat.
Winner: JACK SWAGGER (via Ankle Lock submission)
2) LIZZY BORDEN versus ALEXXIS NEVAEH versus SAMMI LANE (w/ “Adorable” Adrian Adonis)
World Women’s Wrestling Championship Match
The sleeper hit match of the night was a Triple Threat between World Women's Wrestling Champion ALEXXIS NEVAEH, porn magnate LIZZY BORDEN and the delicious SAMMI LANE (w/ “Adorable” Adrian Adonis). The 3 women amazed in a display of pin point synchronicity with “Adorable” Adrian Adonis adding another layer of panache to the proceedings. He even had LIZZY BORDEN getting briefly cheered when she took off the top rope with a flying body press to the fat man while he stood on the arena floor. Near the end of the match, a Stratusfaction attempt from LIZZY on SAMMI was prevented when SAMMI threw her into the corner and out of the ring. With Sammi Lane briefly exerted, ALEXXIS NEVAEH hit a thunderous tornado DDT for the victory. Alexxis retains the WWW championship.
Winner (and STILL World Women’s Wrestling champion): ALEXXIS NEVAEH
Cut backstage where the Freebirds are prepping for their match.
Freebirds promo
(Rag versus Flag match)
The BLK MOBB dive over the ropes onto the Freebirds to start the match, and the fight spills right out to the floor. Into the guardrail, onto the ramp, out into the crowd. Series of double team moves on the ramp way, including an amazing moonsault balcony dive/somersault plancha from the Mobb onto the Freebirds from high above. Ruckus snares Buddy Roberts in a rear chinlock and Sabian goes all the way to the top of the ramp - gets a running start - and smashes a leaping dropkick into the face of Roberts (followed by Sabian hitting a leaping double stomp off the rampway onto Gordy for 2). Gordy swings a chair at Ruckus but misses and hits the ringpost and Sabian follows with a running knee off the apron.
Sabian tries a dive through the ropes onto Roberts but Roberts cracks him in the face with a chair coming through the ropes. Freebirds hit a few double-team maneuvers on Ruckus in the ring. Ruckus recovers and tosses a chair at Gordy (who catches it) only to have Sabian hit a springboard dropkick to the chair into Gordy’s face for 2. Roberts drags Ruckus to the floor, then jumps in the ring and spits whiskey in the face of Sabian. Gordy spinebuster for 2. Ruckus finally comes in with a kendo stick and nails both Freebirds. Gordy tries a lariat, but misses and nails the ref! This allows the crippled Michael Hayes to attempt interference, but instead he eats a trash can-assisted double baseball slide from the BLK MOBB.
Back in the ring, a few more exchanges. The Freebirds spear Sabian on the tope rope and attempt a double superplex but Ruckus makes the save and they hit a Sliced Bread #2/powerbomb combo… but no ref. Crowd delirious with adrenaline. Suddenly, Michael Hayes slips in and hits an unsuspecting Ruckus in the back of the head with the whiskey bottle, shattering it upon impact!!! Ruckus is eliminated, and Sabian quickly absorbs a DWI from the Freebirds for the victory! Gordy dragged the ref over to make the three count! The Fabulous Freebirds have won this match! To unbelievably massive crowd heat, the Freebirds “pour out a little liquor” on the BLK MOBB’s faces before draping their unconscious bodies with the colors of the Confederate flag. Trash, beer cups and blunts rain down into the ring.
Backstage, NECRO BUTCHER (w/ his Straight Edge Society cronies Luke Gallows & Pogo the Clown) is somewhere in the bowels of the arena, surrounded by hardcore accruements. He cuts a brief promo:
NECRO BUTCHER: Coming into BCCW for the first time, I remember thinking I'm gonna get phuckkin hurt! These are mean, angry phuckkin bloodthirsty fans! Some of the fans, they would want to see you get phuckked up - and I remember thinking, 'Well, maybe they care about me.' But these fans in Broken City, where they come from, they gave me the impression that they wanted to see someone get phuckked up and they do not care what happens -- they want to see somebody die.
4) ”VICIOUS” VIC GRIMES versus NECRO BUTCHER (King of the Death Match championship T.L.C. and everything else Match)
Vic Grimes cuts a vicious pre-match promo, claiming to be the CEO of Hardcore. He is the most extreme, and is willing to kill not only himself but murder his foes as well (like his attempt on both the lives of The Messiah and New Jack). Calls out his next opponent Necro Butcher for his newly-adopted “Straight Edge” lifestyle. Well, Vic Grimes aka “Kilo Killa” has his own cartel. And they’re a tribe of cannibals…
“King of the Death Match” belt hangs high above ringside. Match is all you could ask for and more. Glass panes, ceiling fans, weed whackers, walls of fluorescent light tubes and fire. Sadomasochistic Vampires rejoice. After a brief, violent foray into Death Match weaponry, Necro Butcher gets the upper hand when a table spot goes awry. Suddenly, two men wearing the same all-black ensemble (w/ “C.C.” adorning their shirts) rush the ring. Fanatics of snuff films and the Death Match scene immediately recognize the pair:
Both men carry sticks covered with nails and light bulbs. They double-team Necro Butcher and dispose of him in brutal, bloody fashion with a series of hardcore spots. The three-men (Grimes, Mondo & Acid) join hands center ring. Vic Grimes scales the ladder to seeming victory, when suddenly…
“Sweet Dreams” by Marilyn Manson…?
Introducing the original chair-swinging freak:
Like a man possessed, AXL f’n ROTTEN streaks to the ring with his spray-painted steel chair and takes Mondo and Acid out, black-ninja-style. Cue dramatic build as Vic Grimes is caught at the top of the wobbling ladder, AXL f’n ROTTEN looking to the crowd for their growing approval. This leaves Vic Grimes to take the massive tumble off the top of the ladder, over the top rope, to the arena floor, through a web of barbed wire, broken glass, light bulbs and piranhas. AXL f’n ROTTEN leads the crowd in “BCCW! BCCW!” chants then helps Necro Butcher drag himself back into the ring. Not so fast!!!
“Bullet with Butterfly Wings” by Smashing Pumpkins draw all eyes to the entrance ramp…
But another black-cloaked “C.C.” marksman shoots into the ring behind a waiting AXL f’n ROTTEN from the crowd! It’s MADMAN PONDO!!!
The former 2x JCW Champion makes brisk, brutal work of Axl Rotten, culminating in a wicked chair shot from his own weapon that dents the seat around Axl’s head (followed by a quick zip across Axl’s forehead with a pair of scissors – shades of Pondo’s war with Axl’s brother Ian – and a powerbomb from the ring to a cactus on the arena floor). Mad Man Pondo then gleefully goes to work on Necro Butcher, beating, suplexing and bloodying him. Things seem to be well in hand for Vic Grimes’ crew of miscreants when suddenly…
“Natural Born Killaz” by Dr Dre and Ice Cube!
NEW JACK in da house, bitch!!! Everything goes to hell from there. It’s an all-star cast of Xtreme Death match competitors! New Jack brutalizes a recovering Vic Grimes before turning his attention on Pondo and Butcher. New Jack pins Necro Butcher after a stage dive! Pondo celebrates with him… until he remembers they’re enemies, but it’s too late! New Jack beats the hell out of Pondo, Mondo and Acid before running through Vic Grimes one more time with a kendo stick shot, as the “CEO of Hardcore” is the last obstacle before New Jack reaches the ladder in the center of the ring (where the championship belt hangs). New Jack grabs the belt! “Vicious” Vic Grimes has been foiled again!
Winner (and NEW King of the Death Match): NEW JACK!!!
He grabs the mic for a rousing post-match, profanity-laced promo. Classic OG gangsta shit.
NEW JACK: You know what? Somebody gave me a choice. And I’m sure you’re all good at math so go figure. Much love. Because you know how we lay it down in this building. I’m glad to see that you muthaphuckkers was as loyal to us as we was to you. You look in the alphabet … and I’m drunk now so I really can’t count. There’s a whole lot of fucking letters in the alphabet but it ain’t but four. It ain’t but 4 god-damn letters that mean more in this fucking business than any other 4 you can put together and you know what the fuck it is…
Crowd starts a loud “BCCW!” chant.
NEW JACK: The truth. We fucking rebels. I done been to jail more times than a motherfucker that work there on an eight-to-five forty hours a week. And then they test me and they said: New Jack we don’t know if we gonna bring you up here because a lot of our guys are scared to get in the ring wit’ you. I made the decision. Ten years ago. Ten years ago to this month. New Jack came down that aisle and turned this motherfucker upside down. And ten years later, at forty sum-odd years old … it-aint-none-of-your-god-damn-business… I’m still in here doing my thing, and you know why? Because I am the original violent n***a in this god-damn business.
Crowd starts chanting “NEW JACK! NEW JACK!”
NEW JACK: If I quit this business tonight. You know what, if I go back to my hotel room and lay down and die. I’ll die proud because I came back home where I started from. And you motherfuckers stood behind us through thick and through thin. When you knew we was getting fucked, y’all stayed there with us. When you knew the company was going down, y’all stayed there with us. When you knew New Jack was in trouble and running from the law you hid me in your car. You hid me in your trunk and you stayed there with me. Don’t welcome me back cuz I ain’t been no-fucking-where. To every fan in this building: there’s still another half of this show left. And when you leave it’s almost like having sex with a fine-ass bitch. You gonna be real, real, real satisfied! I see a bunch of the rats that used to come to the hotel at the Holiday Inn and sucked yo’ weiner are still doing what you do best. When it’s over with, head on down The Hilton. It’ll be part two of a god-damn pussy party. Because we gonna tear this motherfucker up. Believe that. I’m New Jack. The original n***a. And the rest of y’all muthaphuckkers can suck my big, black dick!
Suddenly “Straight Edge” by Minor Threat plays, and SES associates Luke Gallows and Pogo the Clown come down to the ring where they jump, double-team and mutilate New Jack to regain the ring. Gallows wants the mic.
LUKE GALLOWS: The whole Straight Edge Society has helped my career take off a little bit. So I’m thankful for that. (Rubs the shoulders of the massive POGO the CLOWN standing beside him) You can’t explain how big the man is until you see him, and it’s driven home more when you’re in the ring with him, when you feel somebody with that kind of power. I remember being in the ring with him a couple of years ago, and jumping off the ropes — at the time, I was over 300 pounds myself. He caught me like a baby, like I pick my own son up. The thing that’s in our corner is that there are three of us. It’s funny, because you see the stuff on TV, and it translates so much. We were in Broken City — and I’ve given this example a couple of times — we were in Broken City doing a live event, maybe three months ago, we got on the microphone. By the time we got on the microphone, it was like something you hear about in Puerto Rico in the ’80s; we were getting pelting with batteries, coins, change, and stuff like that. It was insane. We’re trying to get our Straight Edge message out there, so we’re fine with it.
“Boy From New York City” by Manhattan Transfer!!!
The mysterious masked man jukes and jives his way down to ringside, where he grabs a mic and address the SES trio in the ring (including a still-bloody Necro Butcher heaving and panting). Introduces himself as “Charlie Brown from Outta Town”.
CHARLIE BROWN from OUTTA TOWN: I started wrestling in 1964. I wrestled in over 10,000 matches and drove over 4 million miles on US highways to get to those matches, so you can imagine I had a pretty exciting career. Of course, I wrote my autobiography called “Woo…Mercy Daddy!” its 566 pages long and the book is a hardback and weighs three pounds. I tell people to buy two of the books and put one on each end and work out with them!
Clowns the SES for their lifestyle choices, before seriously addressing their attack on Charlie Brown’s good friend “The Boogie Woogie Man”
CHARLIE BROWN from OUTTA TOWN: I was born handsome and hit the floor Boogie Woogie Man.
The SES – Luke Gallows in particular – is outraged at this appalling and disrespectful display from the mysterious masked man with the wild, untamed beard. Incredulously, Gallows asks him what on earth compelled him to confront the SES on their own home turf – the Broken City Slaughtahouse? Doesn’t he know he’s about to die???
CHARLIE BROWN from OUTTA TOWN: When they [BCCW fans] asked if they could do this and I said sure I would be honored and they are doing it right. It’s just a great place for people to go and see matches weekly like it was preserving the old territories. There are not too many organizations doing this and they are bringing it back. I was just really honored.
Glorified squash match, designed to really put over the size and brutality of POGO the CLOWN. Gallows remains the directorial focus, instructing Pogo and hitting a cheap shot here and there. But POGO the CLOWN makes quick work of the masked man en route to crushing him for the quick 3-count. SES leave with their hands raised.
Cut to commercial
MASAHIKO KIMURA – The Ultimate Fighter
6) ABDULLAH the BUTCHER (w/ The Grand Wizard) versus MASAHIKO KIMURA
In a co-main event, ABDULLAH the BUTCHER (in his Free fight Rules debut) fought Jiu-jitsu master MASAHIKO KIMURA. Bred of the mixed martial arts world's most respected family of fighters, Kimura is a three-time Superfight Champion. With his pedigree, one might have expected this to be an easy fight for Kimura -- but the weight difference here was incredible. Kimura tips the scales at just 81kg (179lb), while Abdullah weighs in at a whopping 220kg (484lbs), darn close to three times as much. But, Kimura had been working with famed personal trainer Mak Tanaka (Oscar De La Hoya, B.J. Penn, Magic Johnson). So there was some reckoning, from the standpoint of physics in particular, that Abdullah might be able to simply smother Kimura into submission or stab him to death with a fork.
Things started with Kimura light on his feet, throwing a kick or two, looking confident. When The Butcher lumbered forward to engage his opponent, Kimura offered minimal resistance and the two tumbled to the canvas. Abdullah ended up on top, but did not have a favorable mount. As The Butcher shifted his weight in an attempt to reassert himself, Kimura slowly began to squirm for position. He first got a leg up, and then commenced to work his magic. Methodically, the jiu-jitsu master delved, deeply, into the blubbering mass atop him, finally extracting an arm. Then, with consummate skill, he worked a wrist lock. The Butcher began to wince in pain, and with no chance of escaping, had no choice but to submit. “[He] did everything his trainers told him not to do!" said THE GRAND WIZARD afterward. Kimura, meanwhile, was delighted with his performance: "I had a strategy and I discussed it with my family and my team. I knew I had to bring Abdullah to the ground, and I knew the best way to do that was to let him come to me! It worked perfectly, what you saw tonight was exactly what I trained to do!"
Backstage, unified World Champion “Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers is with his Diamond Dynasty stable, prepping for their big main-event elimination match with John Cena’s team.
”NATURE BOY” BUDDY ROGERS: You get many acquaintances, you get few friends. You take it from Buddy, as long as you live, you'll be able to count on one hand your friends. And all the hair you have on your head, you'll get that many acquaintances, but on one hand, you can point out friends. You think of Buddy Rogers when you say that.
WADE BARRETT: As a bare-knuckle fighter, the many places where I fought were far from the police, and so, danger was always present. Those places were like wastelands. When I’d knock people out, I added my own humiliating twist at the end: I’d pick them up and slam them down. It fits me because it’s very dismissive, but it’s also very impactful. I think it’s pretty easy to set up, and I can land it whether an adversary is running at me or standing on the top rope.
TED DIBIASE JR: Am I disappointed that a bunch of slobbering, unemployed idiots boo me? Are you serious? I couldn’t care less. As far as titles go – so called “fighting champions” like John Cena get the deck stacked in their favor to hold the belt as long as possible. Why should I have to get in line and wait for a title shot, especially when I’ve already proven myself in this business?
BOBBY “the Brain” HEENAN: Damn this is fun sober. Anybody got any weed? No?
(Best 2 out of 3 Falls Match for the UNDISPUTED WRESTLING CHAMPIONSHIP
This is universally acknowledged as the greatest match ever, the third chapter of the holy trinity of wrestling matches, and of course no one is going to watch or not watch this based on my saying so. But here it is anyway.
Of course, the backstory here is well-known: they had their first match at “City of Champions” and Thesz won by DQ, but Wolfe & Lewis nearly crippled him with piledrivers on the cement floor. This is a Best 2 out of 3 Falls Match, and if the match goes to anything but a pinfall or submission, judges will determine the winner. MSD explains the judges will force both men to be more offensively minded. The match is being “scored” on ten-minute intervals, according to the commentary, and MSD gets periodic updates about how the match is being scored. So involved in this match, you have the best commentator, referee, babyface, and wrestler all involved.
Thesz and Wolfe exchange chops early on, and the crowd is cheering rabidly for both men. After the amazing match these two had previously it was really impossible for Wolfe to be the heel. Practically all of Wolfe’s offense revolves around weakening Thesz’ neck to set up a lariat - the move which won Wolfe his BCCW debut at “Respect the Shooters & Hookers”. Wolfe tries to control Thesz with a side headlock, but Thesz escapes with a wristlock, taking Wolfe down and working his arm. Wolfe escapes the hold, but Thesz catches him with a deep arm-drag and goes back to an armbar, which he turns that into a hammerlock. Wolfe counters that with a drop toe-hold, but Thesz reverses back into the hammerlock, dropping a knee on Wolfe’s arm. Thesz works Desmond into a near fall but eventually Wolfe gets to his feet and german suplexes Thesz. Just when it seems like Wolfe will have the advantage, Thesz takes him down again and goes back to the armbar.
Wolfe creates an opening with some right hands and chops. Desmond tees off on Thesz with punches to the midsection and forearms to the back. Thesz comes back with a series of chops, dropping Wolfe and he goes back to the armbar. Lou Thesz turns the armbar into a hammerlock, then flips over Wolfe, bridging back and pulling on his arm! Desmond Wolfe manages to maneuver Thesz with a fireman’s carry, placing him in the corner. Wolfe charges in, but Thesz jumps over him and dropkicks him to the floor at the ten-minute mark. At this point, the judges have all scored the match for Thesz, who wins the first fall with a keylock arm submission.
Wolfe takes his time getting back into the ring, then goes low with a kick to Thesz’s stomach. This doesn’t slow Thesz, as he catches Wolfe with another deep armdrag and goes back to the arm with an armbar, then an arm-ringer. Wolfe breaks free, gets floored with a Thesz press, but catches Lou with a hiptoss. Wolfe gets some LOUD boos for that, then misses an elbow, and guess what Thesz comes back with? A deep armdrag and an armbar. It’s called psychology and these two are the best at it.
Wolfe backs Thesz into the corner and chops away, which seems to slow Thesz down. Wolfe has literally chopped Thesz all the way around the ring. Thesz finally starts to comeback with some chops of his own, but Wolfe comes back with a tackle and tosses Thesz to the floor. Thesz just comes right back in after Wolfe, chopping his head in the corner. Thesz whips Wolfe into the other corner, and Wolfe gets hooked ass over teakettle in the corner. Wolfe gets free and dodges a charging Thesz, sending him over the top rope and to the floor. One of the marks in the front row is actually pushing Thesz back into the ring! Wolfe goes to the floor with Thesz and chops The Undisputed Champion over the barricade, then drops an elbow on the champion’s throat. Wolfe breaks the ref’s count up, but when Desmond goes back to Thesz, the champion comes back at him, pretty much like The Terminator. Thesz chases Wolfe back into the ring, nails him with a chop off the top rope, rams Desmond’s head into the mat, chops him down again and finally GOES BACK TO THE ARMBAR.
Wolfe gets free again, and Thesz tries a running crossbody, but Desmond ducks and Thesz flies out to the floor. Desmond Wolfe hasn’t been able to generate any offense of his own, unless Thesz makes a mistake. Wolfe drops a knee on Thesz. Lou & Desmond exchange some chops, but Wolfe is able to hold the advantage this time and drop Thesz with a back suplex (on his injured neck) for FOUR near falls before Wolfe gives up on trying to get the pin. Another picture-perfect kneedrop from Wolfe, and the crowd is BOOING Desmond again. We’re now past the 20-minute mark, and Wolfe gets another near fall from a double-underhook suplex. After an elbowdrop and another near fall, Wolfe argues with the referee. Thesz goes for a crossbody, but Wolfe catches him with a stun-gun. The crowd pops for Wolfe, but he can’t’ cover Thesz who is too close to the ropes. Wolfe takes the match to the floor and suplexes Thesz on the concrete for the count-out victory (winning the second fall).
They’ve collected the scorecards again, and now the judges have scored the second ten minutes for Wolfe. But according to MSD, Thesz will win the match 3-2 in the event of any kind of non-decision, like a double count-out. Wolfe tries to suplex Thesz back in the ring, but Lou slides out of that and rolls up Wolfe for a near fall. Wolfe & Thesz both go over the top. Thesz gets in first, and when Wolfe tries to enter from the top rope, Thesz catches him and slams him to the floor. More chops from Thesz and a high back-body drop. Thesz gets a near-fall off a cradle, then superplexes Wolfe. This sets Wolfe up for the STF, but Desmond gets to the ropes before he can lock it in. Thesz rams Wolfe’s head into the turnbuckle, then comes off the top with a chop. It looks like Thesz has this match won, but when he goes to the top again, Wolfe falls into the ropes and Thesz crashes from the top rope to the arena floor. Thesz comes up holding his left knee and neck, and now Wolfe has a target. We’re 28 minutes in and up to this point, Wolfe hasn’t touched Thesz’s leg, but now it might as well have a bullseye on it. Desmond kicks away at his leg, then uses a delayed vertical suplex to bring him back into the ring. Thesz is selling the leg and Wolfe locks on the figure-four. Wolfe gets a couple of near-falls off the figure-four as we pass the 30-minute mark.
Thesz gets the ropes to break the hold. He gets to his feet in the corner, but Wolfe just wails away on the leg with kicks and punches. Thesz counters with chops and an enziguri, popping the crowd. Thesz goes for a slam, but Wolfe shifts his weight and rolls Thesz into a cradle (a la Steamboat at WrestleMania III, actually, a fact nobody points out). Wolfe hooks Lou’s tights, since his left leg is useless and holds him down for the pinfall (Wolfe pins Thesz, ***** 31:30). There is so much to love about this match.
Winner (and NEW Undisputed Champion): DESMOND WOLFE
But the match isn’t over yet! Cue “Sell Out” by Reel Big Fish – RYAN “WHITE FLASH” DANGERFIELD is out to cash in his Money-in-the-Bank briefcase! He challenges Desmond Wolfe to an impromptu title defense right now!!!
DESMOND WOLFE versus RYAN DANGERFIELD (Undisputed Championship Match)
A few brief “hope” spots to draw on the crowds energy and surprise, but Ryan Dangerfield quickly comes under fire from the English shooter and after a few crushing suplex/chair combinations, Ryan Dangerfield jobs out to the new (and now “reigning”) Undisputed champion. Desmond Wolfe soaks in the crowd’s venom and poses over the body of Dangerfield.
Winner (and STILL Undisputed Champion): DESMOND WOLFE
Cut to commercial
Team Cena versus Diamond Dynasty promo
TEAM CENA (John Cena, DX Triple H, Evan Bourne & Mil Mascaras)
DIAMOND DYNASTY (Buddy Rogers, Wade Barrett, Ted Dibiase Jr and Bobby “the Brain” Heenan) – ELIMINATION TAG MATCH
Diamond Dynasty entered first as a cohesive unit. Team Cena entered individually, starting with Cena (who is more concerned with making the kiddies buy a new t-shirt/wardrobe once per year, and is thus debuting a new look/color scheme). Nice.
Barrett calls for a huddle, and sends Ted Dibiase Jr in. Easy enough: after about 6 minutes, Dibiase pins Bourne after a Dream Street.. Yup yup yup, he pins jobbers~! At the 6 minute mark, it's 3-4.
Triple H comes in and stops the bleeding, regaining the advantage briefly. Nope nope nope, he can't beat main eventers! Dibiase tags out, though, and Triple H is faced with NXT graduate Wade Barrett. Student out-duels master, and Triple H gets caught in the Dynasty corner, the victim of well-oiled teamwork and frequent tags. Classic cutting-the-ring-in-half routine, with Triple H desperately needing a tag, and his partners all reaching out wanting to be tagged in... crowd has a notion, and begins chanting "We Want Mascaras!!!"... Triple H milks it for a few moments longer, and then with one final lunge away from Buddy Rogers, he makes the tag, and the fans get Mil Mascaras.
And I gotta say this, Mascaras did OK for himself. Scoop slam, an excellently executed elbow drop, and an inverted atomic, all done pretty crisply to poor Dibiase. Barrett slides a chair into the ring, and Dibiase reaches for it, but Mascaras puts his foot down, and picks up the chair himself. Then, he uses it on Dibiase with an amazing chair-assisted flying cross body block!!! Dibiase is pinned! 3-3 tie.
Now it's Buddy Roger's turn for an extended sequence, and he quickly turns Mil Macaras into our second Ricky Morton of the match, mostly at the hands of Barrett and himself (The Weasel was just getting random minor shots in, and letting the big bruisers do the heavy lifting). Finally, a rally by Mascaras and a hot tag to Cena sets off a flurry at the 23 minute mark...
Cena now begins our third (and lengthiest) babyface in peril sequence, although the crowd is split on whether or not he's a real babyface... every Cena Hope Spot is met with "Let's Go Cena" chants starting up, only to be countered by the now-standard "Cena Sucks" counter-chant. Diamond Dynasty keeps rotating in and out of the ring, and Cena can't really sustain any offense or even make it to his corner... until, that is, a double clothesline spot where both Cena and Barrett were down, and the ref started applying a 10-count... Cena to his feet first, and in one of the most surreal moments I've ever had as a wrestling fan, the WWE Golden Boy Marketing Sensation that is Superman Cena lunges to make the hot tag to DX Triple H and the crowd goes nuts.
Triple H is en feugo as he gets into the ring, and goes to town on a stranded Bobby Heenan, eventually pinning him with a pedigree. About 35 minutes in, and it's 3-2. And 36 minutes in, it's back to 2-2, because as the ref is distracted by getting Heenan to leave the ring, Dibiase runs out with the Million Dollar Championship and plasters Mascaras with it. Cena chases Dibiase off, but the damage is done. The ref turns around to see Barrett hoisting the mysteriously unconscious Mascaras up for his front slam finisher, and can do nothing but count to three. Mil Mascaras is gone.
Cena and Triple H against two Dynasty members, and from here on out, you can pretty much figure it out for yourself. Dynasty in command, Cena trying to fight the good fight, and it all ends when Rogers decides to get showy with a ring post-assisted Figure 4 on DX Triple H. Cena gets out of the way and Triple H gets counted out after a chopping block on the floor from Barrett. Barrett tries to catch Cena off guard by immediately charging him from behind, but Cena senses it coming and just turns it into the SSTF, and Barrett tapped out. But the ref was still distracted by the departing Bobby Heenan, allowing Rogers to clobber Cena with a steel chair! Flying kneedrop, followed by Barrett’s “wasteland” finisher and Superman Cena is dead!!! Both members of Diamond Dynasty win the match!!!
Match was 40 minutes, and concluded at 10:58pm (so unlike other recent shows that came in light, BCCW was almost out of satellite time tonight)... outstanding way to end the night. Well worth seeking out, if you ask me. I trust you all know how to work the youtubes, right?
Winners: THE DIAMOND DYNASTY (“Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers and Wade Barrett)
RICK SCAIA: 2003 Royal Rumble Review/2010 Summerslam Review
NECRO BUTCHER: Choose Death: Inside the Mind of a Wrestling Madman
NEW JACK: Hardcore Homecoming - June 10th 2005 at the (former) ECW Arena.
LUKE GALLOWS: Greg Oliver SLAM Wrestling interview August 2010
JIMMY VALIANT (aka “Charlie Brown from Outta Town”): Bonefactor interview Monday, April 19, 2010
KIMURA vs ABDULLAH: K1 Dynamite Report “Gracie vs. Akebono”, 2004 (
BUDDY ROGERS: Sleeperhold Part III by Ray Tennenbaum
WADE BARRETT: WWE Magazine September 2010
TED DIBIASE JR: Pro Wrestling Illustrated October 2010
BOBBY “the Brain” HEENAN: Acceptance speech at the Hall of Fame Ceremony, March 13th 2004
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